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Geomatics World

ISSN 1672-1586 
Organizer: zhong guo di li xin xi xi tong xie hui ; hei long jiang sheng ce hui ju  
Publisher: di li xin xi shi jie za zhi she  
Description: Magazine is published in Geo-Spatial Information and GIS theory and methods, technologies and applications as the main content of the comprehensive technical journal. The main contents include the national information industry, the development of geographic information industry policies; geo-spatial information and geographic information systems theory and technology of the frontier; on earth observation, space location, network and database technology; geographic information system construction technology Summary and exchange of experience; geographic information products; Geographic Information Technology Training, education and science activities; major academic activities at home and abroad; China Association for Geographic Information System reports and other important activities of geospatial information related to the reports. (Translated by machine.)