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Electric Power Information Technology
2015 Issue 12
Test and Application of Complete-Insulated OU OPPC for 110 k V Transmission Line
LIN Yang;CHENG Qi-cheng;Guangdong Power Grid Corporation;
Application of Time Synchronization System in Power Communication DCN
MIAO Wei-wei;WU Hai-yang;JIA Ping;GUO Tao;Information and Communication Branch;State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company;
Power Communication Backbone Network Critical Elements Recognition Algorithm Based on Complex Network Theory
ZHANG Zhi-dong;YANG Ting;Information and Communication Company;State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company;School of Electrical Engineering and Automation;Tianjin University;
Research on Electric Power Tower Deformation Monitoring Technique Using Real Time Kinematic(RTK) Method Based on Beidou Navigation Satellite System
CONG Li;DU Qiu-shi;DOU Zeng;WANG Sheng-da;LI Li-xiu;REN Zhi-yuan;Information and Communication Company;State Grid Jilin Electric Power Company;Electric Power Economic Research Institute;State Grid Jilin Electric Power Company;Maintenance Company;State Grid Jilin Electric Power Company;State Key Laboratory of ISN;Xidian University;
Research and Simulation of IPv6 Transition Technology for Electric Power Data Network
GAO Qiang;CHEN Xi;DING Hui-xia;WANG Yang;TENG Ling;ZHANG Jia-qi;China Electric Power Research Institute;North China Electric Power University;
Research on the Business Models of Electric Communication Operation and Maintenance Outsourcing
XING Ning-zhe;LI Wei;YUAN Hong-yu;LIU Wei-xiu;WANG Zhen;State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co.;Ltd.;State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Company;Tongliao Power Supply Company;State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company Limited;Shangrao Power Supply Company;State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Company;
Discussion on Construction Mode of ASON in Shanxi Power Regional Backbone Transmission Network
LI Yang;GUO Jin-xiang;LV Xu-dong;YANG Zhe;Information and Communication Company;State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company;Shanxi Electric Power Engineering Co.;Ltd.of CEEC;
Research and Implementation of the Integrated Monitoring System for Yunnan Backbone OTN
LI Hui;ZHANG Yu;State Grid Yunnan Electric Power Company;North China Electric Power University;
Investigation and Practice of Protecting Electrical Aerial Cables From Squirrel’s Damage
ZHANG Ning;ZHANG Ke;ZHENG Lun-jun;State Grid Chengdu Electric Power Supply Company;
Research on Security Risk Analysis and Countermeasures of Enterprise IMS
SUN Li-li;LI Liang;WANG Min;Information and Communication Company;State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company;
Study on Intelligent Monitoring Model of Electric Communication Network
WANG Ping;North Branch of SGCC;
Design and Application of the Three Gorges Optical Ring Network Alteration
LONG Lin;Chengdu Dispatching and Control Center;Three Gorges Cascade Dispatching and Communication Center;
Research on Construction Technology Selection Strategies for Southern Hebei Power Distribution Communication Network
SU Han;ZHONG Cheng;WANG Lin;State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company;