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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2016 Issue 5
Knowledge Structure of China’s Marine Economy Research:An Analysis Based on CiteSpace Map
Han Zenglin;Li Bin;Zhang Kunling;Li Xuan;Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development of Liaoning Normal University;College of Animal Science and Technology of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University;
Several Theoretical Issues on Innovation Geography
Lyu Lachang;Huang Ru;Liao Qian;Institute of resource environment and tourism;Capital Normal University;Beijing Urban Innovation and Development Research Center;
Globalization and Regionalization of Complete Auto’s and Auto Parts’ Trade
Zheng Lei;Liu Yi;Liu Weidong;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Marine Economic Efficiency and Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Inter-province Based on Undesirable Outputs in China
Zhao Lin;Zhang Yushuo;Wu Di;Wang Yongming;Wu Dianting;School of Geography;Beijing Normal University;
Evaluation of Industry Transfer Comprehensive Undertaking Ability of Six Major Urban Agglomerations in the Central Region
Duan Xiaowei;Li Lulu;Miao Changhong;Hu Zhiqiang;Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development;College of Environment and Planning;Henan University;
Driving Factors Analysis of Carbon Emissions in Chinese Provincial Urban Households
Liu Ye;Liu Dan;Zhang Linxiu;Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Applied Ecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Police University of China;
Residential form in Beijing and Its Impact on Residents’ Commuting Mode Choice
Chen Li;Zhang Wenzhong;Li Yejin;Dang Yunxiao;Yu Jianhui;College of Arts and Sciences of Beijing Union University;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Resource Environment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;
Assessment of Marine Economy Vulnerability of Coastal Cities in Bohai Sea Ring Area Based on WSBM Model
Sun Caizhi;Qin Xionghe;Li Bo;Wang Zeyu;Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development;Liaoning Normal University;
Local Entrepreneurship and Cluster Restructuring:An Integrative Theoretical Perspective
Fu Wenying;School of Geography;South China Normal University;
Measurement of Spatial Interaction between Central Towns Based on the Gravity Model
Li Chen;Jin Xiangmu;Land Academy for National Development;Zhejiang University;
An Urban Vulnerability Study Based on Historical Flood Data:A Case Study of Beijing
Yang Peiguo;Jin Jing;Zhao Dongsheng;Li Jing;National Disaster Reduction Center of China;China Centre for Modernization Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Environment Satellite Center;Ministry of Environmental Protection;
The Spatial Layout Features and Patterns of Banking Industry in Guangzhou City, China
Wang Yang;Yang Ren;Li Qiang;Xi Wenkai;Guangzhou Institute of Geography;Guangdong Open Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology and Application;School of Geography and Planning;Sun Yat-sen University;College of City and Tourism of Hengyang Normal University;
Impact of Geographical Proximity and Relational Proximity on Innovation in Agriculture Industrial Cluster Based on the Shouguang Vegetable Industrial Cluster
Shi Yanwen;Li Erling;Li Xiaojian;College of Environment and Planning;Henan University;Collaborative Innovation Center of Three-aspect Coordination of Central-China Economic Region;Henan University of Economics and Law;
Spatial Pattern of Farming Distance in Rural Area Using ESDA
Zhao Yuan;Hu Yueming;Zhang Xinchang;Wang Lu;Chen Feixiang;Zhao Zhizhong;Colledge of Natural Resources and Environment of South China Agricultural University;School of Geography and Planning;Sun Yat-Sen University;Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Land and Resources for Construction Land Transformation & Guangdong Province;Key Laboratory of Land Use and Consolidation & Guangdong Province;Land Information Engineering Research Center;College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry;Qinghai University;Guangzhou Geoinfomation Engineering Research Cente;
The Impact of Tourism to Placeness in Ancient Town:Multiple Cases in Zhouzhuang
Jiang Liao;Su Qin;School of Tourism Management;Sun Yat-sen University;College of Territorial Resources and Tourism Anhui Normal University;
Impact of Travel Disturbance on Soil Fungi Communities Structure of the Yaoquan Mountain in Wudalianchi
Guan Jianfei;Wang Jihua;Zhang Xueping;Wang Miao;Zhou Xiaoqian;Ji Yao;College of Life Science and Technology;Harbin Normal University;College of Geographical Science;Harbin Normal University;
Spatial and Temporal Changes in Solar Radiation of Northwest China Based LM-BP Neural Network
Li Jing;Feng Jiaojiao;Wang Weidong;Zhang Fucun;College of Geographical and Environmental Science;Northwest Normal University;Gansu Province Academy of Engineering of Surveying and Mapping;Xining Institute of Surveying and Mapping;
Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Vegetation NPP and Its Relationship with Climate in the Southeastern China
Cui Linli;Du Huaqiang;Shi Jun;Chen Zhao;Guo Wei;State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Forest Cultivation Base in Zhejiang Province;Zhejiang A & F University;Shanghai Center for Satellite Remote Sensing and Application;Shanghai Climate Center;Electronic Engineering Department;School of Information Science and Technology;Fudan University;
Regional Differences and Geological Causes of Hydrochemistry of Natural Water in Xinjiang, China
Liu Yonglin;Luo Kunli;Li Ling;Xu Yongxin;Zhang Shixi;Tian Yuan;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Geography and Tourism College;Chongqing Normal University;Department of Chemistry;Tsinghua University;