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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2015 Issue 2
Updated Progress of Marine Geopolitics and Research of the Marine Geo-setting in China
HAN Zeng-lin;PENG Fei;ZHANG Yao-guang;LIU Tian-bao;ZHONG Jing-qiu;College of Urban and Environment;Liaoning Normal University;Research Center for Marine Economy and Sustainable Development;Liaoning Normal University;
Geographical Imagination: the Mirroring Construction Between the Objective and Subjective Bodies
LIN Geng;PAN Kai-feng;School of Geography and Planning/Guangdong Key Laboratory for Urbanization and Geo-simulation;Sun Yat-Sen University;
Spatial Combination of Finance and Center Level Identify Based on K-means Clustering: A Case Study of the Changjiang River Delta
YANG Zhi-min;HUA Xiang-yu;YE Ya-fen;SHAO Yuan-hai;.College of Zhijiang;Zhejiang University of Technology;College of Economics and Management;Zhejiang University of Technology;College of Economics;Zhejiang University;
The Dynamic Changes of Urban Space-time Activity and Activity Zoning Based on Check-in Data in Sina Web
WANG Bo;ZHEN Feng;ZHANG Hao;Department of Geography;The University of Hong Kong;School of Architecture and Urban Planning;Nanjing University;Research Center of Human Geography;Nanjing University;Provincial Geomatics Center of Jiangsu;
Exploration on the Distribution of Economic Activity: Technology Spillover,Environmental Pollution and Trade Liberalization
HE Xiong-lang;ZHANG Ze-yi;School of Economics;Southwest University for Nationalities;
Comprehensive Measurement and Evolution of Regional Integrated Transport Efficiency in China
LI Tao;CAO Xiao-shu;YANG Wen-yue;HUANG Xiao-yan;School of Geography and Tourism;Guangdong University of Finance&Economics;Center for Urban & Regional Studies;Sun Yat-sen University;Institute of Transport Geography and Spatial Planning Xi′an;Northwest Land and Resources Research Center;Shaanxi Normal University;
Industry Differences of Spatio-temporal Situation About Listed Tourism Companies
LIU Bai-ping;LIU Qing-guang;WEI Chuan-hui;Tourism Department of Hefei University;
Waterfront Industrial Heritage Protection and Prolonging the Spirit of the City: A Case Study of the Industrial Heritage Area in the West Side of Gongchen Bridge, Hangzhou
ZHANG Huan-zhou;SHEN Xu-wei;WU Mao-ying;School of Management;Zhejiang University;Department of Tourism;Zhejiang International Studies University;Hangzhou Grand and Cultural Relics Management Bureau;
Measurement and Spatial Analysis of Quality of Life of Urban Residents in Northeast China
WANG Zhe-ye;CHENG Ye-qing;MA Jing;YE Xin-yue;WEI Ye-hua;Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Geography and Tourism;Hainan Normal University;Shenzhen Middle School;Department of Geography;Kent State University;Department of Geography;the University of Utah;
Comparison and Cause Analysis of Residential Section Line Type Land Price of Hefei Main City Zone
BAO Shan-ju;LU Lin;School of Territorial Resources and Tourism;Anhui Normal University;
Landscape Pattern Changes and the Characteristic of Spatio-temporal Differentiation of Rural Residential Area in Changsha in Recent 20 Years
TAN Xue-lan;ZHOU Guo-hua;ZHU Su-hui;OU Cong;Department of Resources and Environment Science;Hunan Normal University;College of Resources and Environment;Hunan Agricultural University;
Evolution Law of the Runoff and Sediment Discharge of the Weihe River Based on Wavelet Multi-Scale Transform
LIU Xiao-qiong;LIU Yan-sui;LI Tong-sheng;MENG Huan-huan;YU Zheng-song;RUI Yang;College of Urban and Environment;Northwest University;College of Resources Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition During Growing Season in Coastal Zone of the Yellow River Delta
NING Kai;YU Jun-bao;QU Fan-zhu;WANG Guang-mei;GUAN Bo;Key Laboratory of Coastal Zone Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shandong Provincial key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes;Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Coastal Zone Environmental Processes;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Decadal Variation and the Early Sign of the Summer Okhotsk Blocking Highs’ Activity Days
YANG Xu;LIU Gang;LIAN Yi;SHANG Bo;PLA University of Science and Technology;Institute of Meteorological Science of Jilin Province;Laboratory of Research for Middle-High Latitude Circulation and East Asian Monsoon;Jilin Meteorological Observatory;Changchun Meteorological Beneau;
Influence of Vegetation Type on Hydrological Process at Landscape Scale in the Upper Reaches of Jinghe Basin
ZHANG Shu-lan;ZHANG Hai-jun;WANG Yan-hui;YU Peng-tao;XU Li-hong;XIONG Wei;Jiamusi University;The Research Institute of Forestry Ecology;Environment and Protection;Chinese Academy of Forestry;
The Optimal Water Utilization of Damaoqi in Pastoral Area Based on Water Resources Carrying Capacity
LONG Yin-hui;GUO Zhong-Xiao;LIAO Zi-long;XU Xiao-min;JIAO Rui;LIU Hua-lin;Research Institute of Water Resources for Pastoral Area;The Ministry of Water Resources;
The Variety Characters of Potential Evapotranspiration and Soil Surface Humidity Index in the Zoige Wetland in1971-2010
WANG Jian-bing;WANG Su-ping;WANG Zhi-gui;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province;Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Change and Disaster Reduction of China Meteorological Administration;Institute of Arid Meteorology;China Meteorological Administration;Gannan Meteorological Bureau;
Distribution of Summer Cool Events over Northeast China and the Asian Blocking Regime and Cold Air Path
SU Li-xin;LIAN Yi;LI Shang-feng;SHEN Bai-zhu;CHEN Chang-sheng;Laboratory of Research for Middle-High Latitude Circulation System and East Asian Monsoon;Jilin Meteorological Science Institute;Jilin Meteorological Observatory;