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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2015 Issue 10
Moderate-speed Growth:Sustainable Development of China’s Economy
LU Da-dao;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Network Structure and Regional Difference of Aviation Links in China
WANG Hai-jiang;MIAO Chang-hong;School of Surveying & Land Information Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development/College of Environment & Planning;Henan University;
The Urban Network Structure of Jiangsu Province Based on the Traffic and Information Flow
YE Lei;DUAN Xue-jun;OU Xiang-jun;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Jiangsu Normal University;
The Impact of Imbalance of Chinese Goods Trade Structure on the Geo-economic Spatial Pattern
MENG De-you;MA Ying-yi;WANG Han;KE Wen-qian;Henan Collaborative Innovation Center for Coordinating Industrialization;Urbanization and Agriculture Modernization in Central Economic Zone;Henan University of Economics and Law;College of Geography Science;Nanjing Normal University;
Tourism Efficiency Evaluation,Classification and Ascension Path of Lake-type Chinese National Scenic Area
YU Hu;LU Lin;LI Ya-juan;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Center for Tourism and Planning Research;College of Territorial Resources and Tourism;Anhui Normal University;College of Urban & Environmental Science;Central China Normal University;
The Path,Evolution and Mechanism of the Industry Structure Locking-in for the Coal Resource-based City:A Case Study of HuaiBei
YANG Xian-ming;JIAO Hua-fu;College of Territorial Resources and Tourism;Anhui Normal University;College of Territorial Resources;China West Normal University;
Index of Space Relevance Between Physical and Network Spaces on A Micro-level Basis:A Case Study of Metropolitan Nanjing
ZHAI Qing;ZHEN Feng;CHEN Ying-xue;College of Geographic and Biologic Information;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;School of Architecture and Urban Planning;Nanjing University;Human Geography Research Center;Nanjing University;Shanghai Planning Inventory and Regulation Center;
Functional Evolution of Rural Settlement Based on Micro-perspective:A Case Study of Hetaoyuan Village in Yishui County,Shandong Province
ZHANG Bai-lin;ZHANG Feng-rong;ZHOU Jian;QU Yan-bo;School of Resources and Environmental Sciences;China Agricultural University;School of Management;Tianjin Polytechnic University;School of Public Management;Shandong University of Finance and Economic;
Spatio-temporal Evolution on Housing Price to Income Ratio of China by Multiscale Analysis
LIU Hai-meng;SHI Pei-ji;PAN Jing-hu;CAO Zhi;XIE Zuo-lun;Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Geography and Environmental Science;Northwest Normal University;
Stability of Continental Coastline in China Since 1990
ZHANG Yun;ZHANG Jian-li;LI Xue-ming;JING Xin-di;YANG Jun;National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center;College of Urban and Environmental Science;Liaoning Normal University;Key Laboratory of Sea Areas Management Technology State Oceanic Administration;
Mini-review on Updating Plant Geography Textbook
FU Xu-dong;ZHANG Gui-bin;College of Environment and Planning;Henan University;
Abnormal Characteristics and Its Influence on the Northern Hemisphere Temperature of Arctic Oscillation in January
SHEN Bai-zhu;FENG Guo-lin;LIAN Yi;Laboratory of Research for Middle-high Latitude Circulation and East Asian Monsoon;Jilin Meteorological Science Institute;Laboratory for Climate Studies of China Meteorological Administration;National Climate Center;
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Rainfall Eerosivity in Northwest Yunnan Province
ZHAO Ping-wei;GUO Ping;Lincang Meteorological Bureauof Yunnan Province;
Flood Risk Assessment in Chaohu Basin Based on OWA-GIS
CHENG Xian-fu;HAO Dan-dan;College of Territorial Resources and Tourism;Anhui Normal University;Anhui Key Laboratory of Natural Disaster Process and Prevention;
Grain-size Features of Lacustrine Sediments from Chaohu Lake and Its Sedimentary Implications
XU Li-qiang;XU Fang;ZHOU Tao-fa;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;School of Medical Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;
Precipitation Variation in Association with Climate Indices in Loess Plateau of Gansu Province,Northwest China
ZHAO Yi-fei;ZOU Xin-qing;ZHANG Bo;ZHANG Duo-yong;XU Xin-wang-hao;School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences;Nanjing University;College of Geography and Environmental Science;Northwest Normal University;Desertification Prevention and Control Research Center of Qingyang City;
Extreme and Persistent Feature of Drought and Flood of Southwest China in Past 60 Years
YANG Jin-hu;ZHANG Qiang;WANG Jin-song;YAO Yu-bi;SHANG Jun-lin;Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province;Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Change and Disaster Reduction of China Meteorological Administration;Institute of Arid Meteorology of China Meteorological Administration;Dingxi Meteorological Bureau of Gansu Province;
Spatial-temporal Characteristics and Assessment of the Bitter Cold Event in Jilin Province
XI Zhu-xiang;JI Ling-ling;GAO Xiao-di;ZHANG Shuo;Jilin Meteorological Observatory;Liaoning Meteorological Disaster Monitoring and Warning Center;