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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2014 Issue 6
The Theory and Practice of New Urbanization in China
YAO Shi-mou;ZHANG Ping-yu;YU Cheng;LI Guang-yu;WANG Cheng-xin;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Contemporary China;Hong Kong Baptist University;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy ofSciences;Shandong Normal University;
Functional Polycentricity of the Urban Region in the Zhujiang River Delta Based on Intercity Rail Traffic Flow
FENG Chang-chun;XIE Dan-xing;MA Xue-guang;CAI Li-li;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;School of Urban Planning and Design;Peking University;Schoolof Law and Political Science;Ocean University of China;
City Spatial Structure Evolution Affected by Special Events in Different Historical Periods:A Case Study of Tianjin
QU Tao;ZHANG Li-qian;WU Zhan-yun;Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;Shandong University of Financeand Economics;Research Institute of Regional Economy;Institure of Policy and Management;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Sustainable Development Ability of China′s Marine Ecosystems in the Perspective of Entropy
DI Qian-bin;HAN Yu-xi;Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development;Liaoning Normal University;College of Urban and Environment;Liaoning Normal University;
Temporal and Spatial Change of Resource and Environmental Costs,the Ecological Load Intensity at Provincial Scale in China
ZHENG De-feng;ZANG Zheng;ZHAO Liang-shi;SUN Cai-zhi;School of Urban Planning and Environmental Science;Liaoning Normal University;Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development;Liaoning Normal University;
Selection of Central Cities of the Sanjiang Plain Reclamation Area in Heilongjiang Province
LI Xin;ZHANG Ping-yu;LI Jing;Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Spatial Transformation in Globalization: A Case Study of Dongshan,Guangzhou in 1890s-1930s
XUE De-sheng;HUANG He-mian;WANG Yang;Geography and Planning School;SUNYat-Sen University;
Spatio-temperal Characteristics of Internal Coordination of Intensive Urban Land Use:A Case Study of the Downtown of Wuhan
FAN Hui;LIU Wei-dong;WU Ze-bin;Institute of Land Science and Real Estate;Zhejiang University;College of Urban and Environmental Science;Xinyang Normal University;School of Economics and Management;Jiangxi University of Science and Technology;
The Repersentation of Landscape Pattern to Land Economic Niche Changes:A Case Study of Huizhou City in Guangdong Province
WU Qing;LIYu;School of Geography and Planning;SunYat-sen University;South China Institute of Environmental Sciences;Ministry of Environmental Protection;
Vulnerability in Human-sea Economic System of Liaoning Coastal Area in China
LI Bo;Study Center of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development;Liaoning Normal University;
The Impact of Environmental Regulation on the Spatial Distribution of Pollution Industries in the Pearl River Delta
SHEN Jing;XIANG Cheng;FUWen-ying;School of Geography and Planning;Sun Yat-Sen University;Yichang Urban Planning Information Consulting Center;School of Geography;South China Normal University;
The Spatio-temporal Activity Pattern of the Suburban Female Residents in Beijing, China
CHAI Yan-wei;ZHANG Xue;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;
Ecological Connectivity Changes and Its Pattern Optimization During Land Consolidation Based on Minimal Accumulative Resistance Model
LI Qian;DAI Liang;ZHU Qing;YANG Gui-shan;WU Shao-hua;Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences;Nanjing University;
Comparison of Land Surface Process Models Performance Between CoLM and BATS1e: A Case Study on Maize Field in Northeast China
CAI Fu;MING Hui-qing;MI Na;LI Rong-ping;ZHANG Yu-shu;Institute of Atmospheric Environment;China Meteorological Administration;Liaoning Province Meteorological Service Center;
Comparative Analysis of Laris olgensis and Betulaermanii Associated with Environment on North Slopes Treeline of the Changbai Mountains
XU Zhen-wen;WANG Xiao-dong;HAN Wei-hong;WANG Gui-jun;LIU Hui-qing;College of Urban and Environment Sciences;Changchun Normal University;School of Natural Science;The Richard Stockton College of NewJersey;School of Life Sciences;Northeast Normal University;School of Geographical Sciences;Northeast Normal University;
A Grid Dynamically Generated Method and Preliminary Inquiry for Rainfall Forecast Based on GIS
LI Zhe;LI Yong-shu;ZHUO Yun;School of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Sichuan Province Second Geographic Information Engineering Institute of Surveying and Mapping;
The Evolutional Characteristics of Water Environment of Chagan Lake Wetland
LI Ran-ran;ZHANG Guang-xin;WEI Xiao-hong;LIU Yan;ZHANG Lei;SUN Shuang;Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Environment;Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Songyuan Branch;Hydrology and Water Resources Bureau of Jilin Province;