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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2011 Issue 10
Circulation and the Localness:Geographical Brand of Yixing Purple Sand Cultural Change
QIAN Li-Yun1;2;ZHU Hong1;3
The Characteristics and Impact Mechanism of Region Cooperation in Cross-border Tourism
YANG Xiao-Zhong1;2;ZHANG Jie2;PENG Min1
Spatial Features and Agglomeration of Producer Services in Xi’an City,China
XUE Dong-Qian;SHI Ning;GONG Xiao-Xiao
Neural Network Ensemble for Chinese Inbound Tourism Demand Prediction
Growing-season Trends Determined from SPOT NDVI in Changbai Mountains,China,1999-2008
LI Ming1;2;WU Zheng-fang2;DU Hai-bo2;ZONG Sheng-wei2;MENG Xiang-jun2;ZHANG Lian-zhi1
Dynamic Chang of Land Use in Yanji City Based on TM Images
JIN Shi-zhu;LIU Zhi-feng
Conversion of Different Soil Texture Triangle Based on Fractal Theory
GUO Zhong-ling;ZHANG Ke-li;DONG Jian-zhi;WANG Ying;LIU Hong-yuan;WANG Wei
The Basin Features of El’ing Lake in the Head Area of Yellow River,Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
SHEN De-fu 1;2;3;LI Shi-jie1;CHEN Wei 1;JIANG Yong-jian1;2;NIE Xin 1
Storm Flood Risk Assessment in the Typical Regions of Asia
LIU Jia-fu1;2;LI Jing2;LIANG Yu-hua1;LIU Xiang-nan3
Changes of Spring Maize Potential Productivity under the Background of Global Warming in Northeast China
CHEN Chang-qing1;LEI Cheng-xia1;WANG Chun-chun1;ZHANG Wei-jian1;2
Land Use/Land Cover Change and Its Environmental Effects in Wuhan City
ZHANG Yang1;2;LIU Yan-Fang1;2;GU Jian-Ping1;3;DING Qing1;2
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