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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2003 Issue 1
The Problems of Land Use and Countermeasures in the Developing Process of Small Town in Anhui Province
cheng jiu miao ; yan deng hua ; yu hua
An Analysis of Water Property Right Transaction Market Based on Contract
zhang yu ; lv dong hui ; qin li jie
Summary on the Study of Planation Surface
ren xue mei ; chen zhong ; luo li xia ; zhou xin qin ; wang jian li
Importance of Agricultural Soil Sequestering Carbon to Offsetting Global Warming
yang xue ming ; zhang xiao ping ; fang hua jun
GIS-Based Eco-environmental Vulnerability Evaluation in West Jilin Province
huang fang ; liu xiang nan ; zhang yang zhen
Structure and Spatial Analysis of Evaluation of Residential Environment in Dalian City
wang mao jun ; zhang xue xia ; zuo wei xin
Characteristics of Spatial Variability of Total Phosphorus in Soil of the Typical Area of Taihu Lake Watershed
liu fu cheng ; shi xue zheng ; pan xian zhang ; yu dong sheng
Study on the Theory and Method of Tourism Planning
gu chao lin ; zhang hong ; xu yi lun ; huang chun xiao ; yu tao fang ; zhen feng ; wang hong ; zhu chuan geng ; wu zuo
A Comparative Study About Effect of Urbanization on the Indoor and Outdoor Air Temperature on Different Cities of China
zhang yi ping ; he yun ling ; ma you zuo ; zhang de shan ; li you rong ; liu yu hong
Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Design Parameters of Coastal Engineering in Guangdong Province
huang zhen guo ; zhang wei qiang ; chen qi li ; chen te gu
On the Development Model for Mountain Forests in Arid Land--A Case Study of the Oytag Valley of the Kunlun Mountains
zhang bai ping ; chen xiao dong ; lu zhou ; pai zi la si la mu ; jiang feng qing
The Intersity of Surface Heat Source and Surface Heat Balance on the Western Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
li guo ping ; duan ting yang ; wu gui fen
Situation and Countermeasures of Industrial Structure Adjustment and Escalation of Northeast China
li cheng gu ; li pei xiang ; tan xue lan ; liu wen xiu
Division of the Terrestrial System in China:A case study from Huang's theory on terrestrial system science
ge quan sheng ; zhao ming cha ; zheng jing yun ; di xiao chun