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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2001 Issue 4
A Study on the Representation of Common Pollens in Soils on the Northern Slope of Shennongjia Mountains
liu hui ping ; tang xiao chun ; wang kai fa ; pan an ding
Core SX97:Climatic and Environmental Changes Since 7 000 a B.P. and Drainage Responses
zhou hou yun ; yu su hua ; guo guo zhang
The Change of Provision Structure of Built Environment and the Transition of Urban Landscape:
wu qi yan ; zhen feng ; zhang jing xiang ; yang qing
Evaluation for Some Tropical Crops in Hainan Province by Using Ales Based Upon Haisoter
zhang xue lei ; zhang gan lin ; gong zi tong
GIS-Based Risk Assessment of the Debris Flows in the Lower Lancang River Watershed
zuo man cun ; wang guang qian ; liu jia hong
Study on Surface Albedo Distribution Over Northwest China Using Remote Sensing Technique
chen yun hao ; li xiao bing ; xie feng
Comments on Krugman's Edge City Model
liu an guo ; yang kai zhong
Density of Soil Organic Carbon and the Factors Controlling Its Turnover in East China
li zhong ; sun bo ; lin xin xiong
Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Change in a Middle Size Catchment:A Case Study of the Middle Yiluo Area
li xiao jian ; liu gang jun ; qian le xiang ;jim peterson