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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2000 Issue 5
Land Resources and Its Sustainable Utilization in Inner Mongolia
BAO Yin;BAO Yu-hai
Information of Debris Flow and Its Collection
XIE Hong;ZHONG Dun-lun;WEI Fang-qiang;LI Yong
Geochemical Features of Elements of Selenium etc. in Soil of Loess Plateau
WANG Jin-da;YU Jun-bao;ZHANG Xue-lin
Influence of Human Activities on the Mire in Zoige Plateau and Countermeasure
ZHAO Kui-yi;HE Chi-quan
The Systematic Appraisal and Planning of Changshu SARD
LUO Shou-gui;ZENG Zun-gu;WANG Wei-lun;TU Wei-yuan;YANG Jian-xin
On the Arising Law of the Big Flood in the Jianghuai Valley
Feng Li-hua
The Research of Main Cities Space Relations of Cheng-Yu Industry Belt
HUANG Bing-kang;LI Yi-chun;WU Min
Study on Regional Polarization of Guangdong Province since 1978
ZHEN Feng;GU Chao-lin;SHEN Jian-fa;WONG Kwan Yiu;CHU Kim Yee
The Paleoclimate Changes during the Past MillenniumLnferred from the Lacustrine Core in Daihai Lake, Inner Mongolia
CAO Jian-ting;WANG Su-min;SHEN Ji;ZHANG Zhen-ke