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Scientia Geographica Sinica
2000 Issue 3
Congratulations to the Publishing of
li wen hua
The Environment Change of Melmeg Lake Groups of Fifty Years
lv jin fu ; xiao rong zuo ; jie dong mei ; fan you sheng
Multi-scale Spatial Characterization of Land Use/Land Cover in China
chen you qi ;peter h.verburg
Review and Prospect of China's Cartography
zhang shi kui ; liu zhao yong ; li ying
Study on the Question of Sustainable Development of Coal-Mining Cities in the Northeast China
jiang jian quan ; ma yan ji ; zuo lian jun
Locational Behavior and Spatial Influences of Multinational Corporation in Shanghai
xiong shi wei ; ge yue feng
The Sustainability of Chinese Agricultural Yield Affected by Global Climate Change
zhao zuo zuo ; zhang hui yuan
Evaluation on Exploitative Intensity of Land Resources in the Yangtze River Delta Region
zhou bing zhong ; bao hao sheng ; peng bu zhuo
A Survey of the Daanxia Landform Research in China
peng hua