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Electric Power Survey & Design
2001 Issue 3
Mathematical Solution of Ф- value in P- Ⅲ
xi zhan sheng
Determine the Best Windmill Generator of Wind Farm
zhang hong liang ; li wei min ; cao qiu hui
Combine Application Research of Different Manufacturers GPS
hao bao cheng ; gao xue qian
Application of GPS to 330kV Power Transmission Line Yushen
zhang qi feng
Application of Satellite Image to 500kV Aerial Power Transmission Line
chang zeng liang ; liu zuo zuo
Engineering Performance Analysis of Granite Residual Soil Along Fujian Coast
hu hong mei ; huang wen yong
Engineering Performance Evaluation of Gravel Stratum at the Engineering
wu chang ying ; du zhi bin
Check of Foundation Subsoil and Hidden Danger Treatment of the Natural Ground
wu li nian ; fang yu you ; xie qiao qin
Analysis and Treatment of Cause of Some House' s Pile Foundation
xu jian ; gong you ping ; hu jian jun
Analysis about the Bearing Capcity of Prestressed Pipe Pile
dai hong jun ; cai sheng hua ; guo ji zhong
Prototype Testing and Scheme Optimum of Treating Shallow Foundation at The Power Plant
gao yi shan ; zhang jian feng ; wu jian