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Electric Machines and Control
1999 Issue 2
An asymptotically stabilizing control method for some nonlinear systems and its application
wang zi cai ; wang xu ; shi xiao ping
The relation between the accuracy of discrete-time Kalman filter and accuracy of noise statistic
yang xu dong ; he ping ; hu heng zhang
Review of fuzzy logic control based on genetic algorithms
chen xiao ping ; yao zuo ; yu sheng lin
AC servo system based on fuzzy Guass function .neural network control
sun zuo ; wang yao nan
A new method of improving the performance of fuzzy neural network controller - hybrid genetic algorithm
yu xia ; song ling feng ; chen xue yun
On a fuzzy neural control systems and its applications
wu xiao jun ; cao qi ying ; wang shi tong ; chen bao xiang ; liu tong ming
Solving Job-shop scheduling problem using bounding and genetic algorithm
li xiao ping ; wang feng ru ; chang hui you
Integrating MATLAB with PSPICE for the simulation of switched-mode power converters
chen yan feng ; qiu shui sheng ; wu yan zhen ; zhou xiao an
The pre and post-processing in finite element analysis on 2D/3D field region
zhang ji qiang ; chen de gui
The application of improved domain elimination algorithm to the design optimization of electrical machines
wang xiu he ; jia hong xin ; zhang ti juan ; wang yi yong ; qin hong
Research on the static transverse end effect of the linear motor
zhang guang yi