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Acta Seismologica Sinica
2016 Issue 6
Detection of the northern section of Anninghe fault zone by seismic reflection method
Hu Gang;,He Zhengqin;,Li Na;,Ye Tailan;
Exploration of the low-velocity layer within the lithosphere beneath the eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau using the P wave shadow zone
Jiao Yuyuan;,Shen Xuzhang;,Ma Kebo;,Qian Yinping;,Wang Jingbo;
Tectonic stress field analysis on the source region of the 2015 Mw8.3 Chile earthquake
Li Xiang;,Wan Yongge;,Cui Huawei;,Huang Jichao;,Yan Rui;,Gao Xiwei;
On reconstruction technique of geomagnetic observation data
Yao Xiuyi;,Teng Yuntian;,Yang Dongmei;,Yao Yuan;,Chen Jun;
Study on the fast seismic moment tensor inversion system using regional seismic network data
Zhao Tao;,Zhao Xi;,Wang Ying;,Li Shaorui;,Hui Shaoxing;,Wang Jiemin;
The magnitude distribution law of characteristic earthquakes in Chinese mainland
Chen Zhongtian;,Guo Xing;,Pan Hua;,Li Jinchen;
Research on strong ground motion simulation and ShakeMap of 2014 Yutian Ms7.3 earthquake
Liu Jun;,Sun Jianing;,Song Lijun;,Bi Xuemei;,Tan Ming;,He Jingang;
Relationship between particle characteristics and shear wave velocity of shallow soil in Yuxi basin
Li Tiefei;,Chen Xueliang;,Gao Mengtan;
Application of two Bayesian probability algorithms to the estimation of earthquake parameters
Li Shuanhu;,Gao Lixin;,Ding Fenghe;,Chen Lifeng;,Yang Hongying;
2015 nian di zhen zhen zhong fen bu tu
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