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Acta Seismologica Sinica
2011 Issue 6
Principles on distinguishing interference from seismic precursor of underground water variation and its application
Che Yongtai;Yu Jinzi;Liu Chenglong;Xu Guiming;Zheng Yiming
Precise relocation of small earthquakes occurred in North China and its tectonic implication
Zhang Guangwei;Lei Jianshe;Xie Furen;Guo Yongxia;Lan Congxin
Analysis on background weak seismic signals in Yunnan, China
Zhao Lin;An Meijian;Shen Xuzhang;Dai Guanghui;Tian Jianxiong
A review on power line harmonic radiation monitored by DEMETER satellite
Wu Jing;Fu Jingjing
ren wu jie shao
2010 nian di zhen zhen zhong fen bu tu
chen pei shan
Study on seismic anisotropy of upper mantle beneath Shandong region
Miao Qingjie;Liu Xiqiang;Li Yonghua;Zhou Yanwen;Zheng Jianchang;Cui Xin;Ji Aidong
Possible crustal stress change in middle section of Xiaojiang fault and its adjacent area
Lin Xiangdong;Xu Ping;Ge Hongkui;Wu Minjie;Wu Anxu
Weak signal characteristics and its identification in high-density single sensor data
Zhang Junhua;Wang Jing;Liang Xiaoteng;Liu Zhen;Shan Lianyu;Shi Linguang;Liang Hongxian
Analysis on discriminants based on Lg wave
He Yongfeng;Zhao Kechang;Yao Guozheng;Zhang Xianbing;Ma Yuran
Study on relative duration of strong motions during the great Wenchuan earthquake
Liu Lang;Li Xiaojun;Peng Xiaobo
SV wave scattering by a canyon of arbitrary shape in a saturated layered half-space
You Hongbing;Liang Jianwen;Zhao Fengxin