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Acta Seismologica Sinica
2014 Issue 3
Mechanism on Moho offset induced by aseismic slip of deeply buried faults
Zhen Fu;Hai-ming Zhang;Shu-wen Dong;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;
Rupture pattern of the Oct 23,2011 Van-Merkez,Eastern Turkey earthquake
Hao Zhang;Zengxi Ge;Department of Geophysics;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences;Northwestern University;2145 Sheridan Rd;Evanston;IL 60208;USA;
Crust and upper mantle structures beneath Northeast China from receiver function studies
Zhen Guo;Yuliang Cao;Xianguang Wang;Y.John Chen;Jieyuan Ning;Weiguang He;Youcai Tang;Yongge Feng;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Institute of Theoretical and Applied Geophysics;Peking University;State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource and Prospecting;and Unconventional Natural Gas Institute;China University of Petroleum;
Global SH-wavefield calculation for a two-dimensional whole-Earth model with the parallel hybrid PSM/FDM algorithm
Yanbin Wang;Yang Luo;Yanfang Qin;Xianbing Zhang;Department of Geophysics;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Department of Geosciences;Princeton University;312 Guyot Hall;Princeton;NJ 08544;USA;Equipe de Gosciences Marines;Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris;4 Place Jussieu;75252 Paris Cedex 05;France;
Poroelastic finite-difference modeling for ultrasonic waves in digital porous cores
Li-Yun Fu;Yan Zhang;Zhenglin Pei;Wei Wei;Luxin Zhang;Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resource Research;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing North NewTech PetroTech Ltd;Schlumberger WesternGeco;Houston;TX;USA;
The spatiotemporal variation of the b-value and its tectonic implications in North China
Yujie Zheng;Shiyong Zhou;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;
Local-scale cross-correlation of seismic noise from the Calico fault experiment
Jian Zhang;Peter Gerstoft;Marine Physical Laboratory;Scripps Institution of Oceanography;University of California;San Diego;La Jolla;CA 92093;USA;
On numerical earthquake prediction
Yaolin Shi;Bei Zhang;Siqi Zhang;Huai Zhang;Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics of Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
A novel technique for automatic seismic data processing using both integral and local feature of seismograms
Ping Jin;Chengliu Zhang;Xufeng Shen;Hongchun Wang;Changzhou Pan;Na Lu;Xiong Xu;Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology;
Erratum to:The characteristics of shear wave splitting in the source region of the April 20,2013 Lushan earthquake
Sha Liu;Jiansi Yang;Baofeng Tian;Yu Zheng;Xudong Jiang;Zhiqiang Xu;Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;
Erratum to:Schumann resonance observation in China and anomalous disturbance possibly associated with Tohoku M9.0 earthquake
Xinyan Ouyang;Xuemin Zhang;A.P.Nickolaenko;M.Hayakawa;Xuhui Shen;Yuanqing Miao;Institute of Earthquake Science;China Earthquake Administration;School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics;Kharkov;Ukraine;Hayakawa Institute of Seismo Electromagnetics Co.Ltd.;UEC Incubation Center;1-5-1 Chofugaoka Chofu;Tokyo 182-8585;Japan;DFH Satellite Co.;Ltd.;China Academy of Space Technology;