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Acta Seismologica Sinica
2011 Issue 5
Simulation and analysis of point-source surface wave fields
Chengyu Sun~ Xingyao Yin~1 and Yunfei Xiao~2 1 China University of Petroleum;Qingdao 266555;China 2 Geophysical Research Institute;SINOPEC;Nanjing 210014;China
Thermal structure about southwest sub-basin of South China Sea
Lin Meng and Jian Zhang Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics;The Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Apparent permeability variation of underground water aquifer induced by an earthquake:A case of the Zhouzhi well and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Guijuan Lai~ Fuqiong Huang~2 and Hongkui Ge~1 1 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 2 China Earthquake Networks Center;Beijing 100045;China
Surface motion of a semi-elliptical hill for incident plane SH waves
Jianwen Liang and Jia Fu Department of Civil Engineering;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
Post-earthquake building damage assessment in Yushu using airborne SAR imagery
Dingjian Jin Xiaoqing Wang Aixia Dou and Yanfang Dong Institute of Earthquake Science;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100036;China
Comparison of two great Chile tsunamis in 1960 and 2010 using numerical simulation
Ruizhi Wen~ Yefei Ren~1 Xiaojun Li~2 and Rong Pan~3 1 Institute of Engineering Mechanics;China Earthquake Administration;Harbin 150080;China 2 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 3 Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center;Ministry of Environmental Protection;Beijing 100082;China
A particular case study for earthquake soil amplification
Kubilay Kaptan Coordinator of Disaster Education;Application and Research Center;Istanbul Aydin University;Istanbul;Turkey
Iterative convergence of boundary-volume integral equation method
Gengxin Yu and Liyun Fu Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
Spatio-temporal epidemic type aftershock sequence model for Tangshan aftershock sequence
Shaochuan L and Yong Li School of Mathematical Sciences;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China
Wave field in two-phase media by the convolutional differentiator method
Zhuo Ye~ Xinfu Li~2 and Qiusheng Li~ 1 Institute of Geology;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Beijing 100037;China 2 School of Geophysics and Information Technology;China University of Geosciences; Beijing 100083;China 3 Earthprobe and Geodynamics Open Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences; Beijing 100037;China