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Acta Seismologica Sinica
2010 Issue 4
Effects of Earth’s curvature and radial heterogeneity in dislocation studies:Case studies of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and the 2004 Sumatra earthquake
Guangyu Fu 1;2;Wenke Sun 3 Yoichi Fukuda 2 Shanghua Gao 1 and Takashi Hasegawa 2 1 Institute of Earthquake Science;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100036;China 2 Department of Geophysics;Graduate School of Science;Kyoto University;Kyoto 606-8502;Japan 3 Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Seismicity pattern of the Betic Cordillera(southern Spain) derived from the fractal properties of earthquakes and faults
J Henares Romero 1;C López Casado 1 J Badal 2 and J A Peláez 3 1 Department of Theoretical Physics and Cosmos;University of Granada;Av.Severo Ochoa s/n;18071 Granada;Spain 2 Physics of the Earth;Sciences B;University of Zaragoza;C/Pedro Cerbuna 12;50009 Zaragoza;Spain 3 Department of Physics;Higher Polytechnic School;University of Jaén;C/Virgen de la Cabeza 2;23071 Jaén;Spain
Seismicity gap and seismic quiescence before 1999 Jiji(Chi-Chi) M_W7.6 earthquake
Junguo Wang Wenbing Liu and Jieqing Zhang Earthquake Administration of Tianjin Municipality;Tianjin 300201;China
Characteristics of seismic activity before Chile M_W8.8 earthquake in 2010
Yan Xue 1;2;Jie Liu 2 and Gang Li 2 1 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 2 China Earthquake Networks Center;Beijing 100045;China
V_r:A new index to represent the variation rate of geomagnetic activity
Dongmei Yang 1;Yufei He 1 Chuanhua Chen 2 and Jiadong Qian 3 1 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 2 Tai’an Magnetic Observatory;Earthquake Administration of Shandong Province;Tai’an 271000;China 3 Institute of Earthquake Science;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100036;China
Variations of electron density and temperature in ionosphere based on the DEMETER ISL data
Yufei He1 Dongmei Yang1;Rong Zhu1 Jiadong Qian2 and M Parrot3 1 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China 2 Institute of Earthquake Science;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100036;China 3 Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie de l’Environment;Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique;Orleans;France
Bounding of near-fault ground motion based on radiated seismic energy with a consideration of fault frictional mechanisms
Baoping Shi Boyan Liu and Lingyuan Meng Earth Science College of the Graduate School;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Seismic hazard analysis of Tianjin area based on strong ground motion prediction
Zhao Boming School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing 100044;China
Contemporary tectonic stress field in China
Yongge Wan 1;2;1 Institute of Disaster-Prevention Science and Technology;Yanjiao;Sanhe 065201;China 2 Institute of Geophysics;China Earthquake Administration;Beijing 100081;China
Optimization of a precise integration method for seismic modeling based on graphic processing unit
Jingyu Li 1 Genyang Tang 2 and Tianyue Hu 1;1 School of Earth and Space Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China 2 Department of Earth Sciences;Cambridge University;Cambridge CB2 3EQ;United Kingdom