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Acta Seismologica Sinica
1995 Issue 4
tomographic determination of 3 d crustal structure joint inversion of explosion and earthquake data
Xian-Kang ZHANG;Zhuo-Xin YANG;Yu-Chun YANG;Jian YANG;Jian-Li SONGand Ping ZHAO
Numerical simulation of the detachment dynamics in North China Basin
Dong-Ning;ZHANG and Rong-Sheng ZENG
Epicentral distribution in 1994
Pei-Shan CHEN
Analysis of foreshock sequence of the 1975 Haicheng earthquake of Ms 7.3
Zhao-Rong ZUO;Jian-Ping WU and Zhi-Ling WU
The application of microwave remote sensing technology in rock mechanics
Nai-Guang GENG;Zheng-Fang FAN;Quan-Quan JI;Cheng-Yu CUI and Ming-De DENG (Instit
The Datong earthquake and its anomalous tilt Field
An-Fu NIU;Yi-Lin WU;De-Fu CHEN and Xiao-Jun LI
on the hydro spectrum of deep wells and the response ability of well aquifer system
Wen-Bin JIAN;Bao-Ren CHEN and Shu-Yun LIU
discussion on uncertainties attenuation of ground motion and aseismic design criterion
Tian-Zhong ZHANG;Yun-Sheng MA and Xi SHU
stress relaxation and attenuation of fluid saturated sandstone at low frequency
Dao-Ying XI;Ai-Wen LIU and Wei LIU
Research on coda Q distribution in Beijing and its surrounding regions
Yun-Sheng MA;Tian-Zhong ZHANG and Huan-Sheng ZHANG
Catalogue of earthquakes (March-May,1995)
Pei-Shan CHEN
Calculation of b value and its application in earthquake prediction
Hua-Chen DUAN;Chang-Qing FAN and Yue-Min XU
lyapunov exponent and dimension of the strange attractor of elastic frictional system
Zhi-Ren NIU and Dang-Min CHEN
Contributors to this issue
research on nonlinear r s method and its application in earthquake prediction
Bi-Quan WANG;Han-Ming HUANG;Hong-Shun FAN;Chuen Zhen WANG;Pei-Yan CHEN
research on tsip method for medium term earthquake prediction
Yu HUANG;Yuan-Qing ZHU;Yong CHEN and Ying JI
the variations of the degree of ground resistivity anisotropy during the tangshan earthquake
Tong-En MAO;Tie-Cheng WANG;Jia-Liu YAO;Jun LU and Hong-Kui ZHANG (Seismological Press;Bei