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Acta Seismologica Sinica
1995 Issue 3
comparison and analysis of the stress field in the source region of tangshan and lancang earthquake sequences
Gui-Ling DIAO;Li-Min YU;Qin-Zu LI and Shao-JinWANG
Spatial and temporal variation of gravity field in the capital region
Chang-Cai HUA;Yong GUO;Duan-Fa LIU;Gang XIAO;;J.T.KUO;and Walter BROWN
The depth of Moho in the mainland of China
Rong-Sheng ZENG;Wei-Guo SUN;Tong-En MAO ZhongYang LIN;Hong-Xiang HU;and Guang-Ying CHEN
in search of potential earthquake source regions in the chinese mainland in the light of ambient shear stress field
Pei-Shan CHEN;Tong-Xia BAI;and Lei XIAO
A deterministic method for designing near field and far field earthquakes
Meng-Tan GAO;Jia-Quan YAN;and Wei HAN;
velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in xingtai earthquake region and its adjacent area
Zhi-Ping ZHU;Xian-Kang ZHANG;Yu-Jie GAI;Jian-ShiZHANG;Wen-Ying NIE;Jin-Hu SHI;Cheng-Ke ZHANG;and Hong RUAN
Contributors to this issue
study on electric variations of media in epicentral area by geomagnetic transfer functions
Xiao-Ping ZENG;Yun-Fang LINI;Zhong-Jie ZHU;ChunRong XU;Ming ZHAO;Chong Yang ZHANG;and Qi-LiangLIU;(Institute of C
Application of PP cluster method in the earthquake swarm analysis
Shi-Yong ZHOU;Ling-Ren ZHU;and Chuan-Ling DENG
Episodes and ages of seismic landslides along the Changma fault zone
Lai-Xun KANG;and Jian-Rong WANG
A case study:cross-well acoustic tomography in Fuyu oil-field
Rui.FENG;Rui YAN;Yi TANG;Zhong-Yuan WANG;Jian-PingWU;Lian ZHANG;and Chang-Qiang AN;
a possible ul fseismice lectro-magnetic emission
Xing-Cai LI;Hui-Xin CAO;Tie-Hong YU;and Zhi-YongCHEN;
A stochastic model of the Fourier phase of strong ground motion
Zhen-Peng LIAO;and Xing JIN
Catalogue of earthquakes(December,1994-February,1995)
Pei-Shan CHEN
Gravitational effect of water circulation in the northwest Yunnan
Min-Yu JIA;Shao-An SUN;Ai-Min XIANG;and Dong-ZhiLIU
R/S analysis of earthquake time interval
Chang-Hai LIU;Yi-Gao LIU;and Jun ZHANG;