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Electronics Optics & Control
2008 Issue 7
Matching pursuit de-noising and its application in fault diagnosis
JIANG Si-hou;CHEN Xiao-hu;YANG Neng-jun;WANG Han-gong
A high-frame-frequency synchronized video acquisition system based on Gigabit Ethernet
LIANG Min-hua;CAO Yong-gang;CHEN Tao
Improvements to infrared diffractive efficiency of IR/MMW grating wave beam combiner
YANG Zheng;QV En-shi;CAO Jian-zhong;ZHOU Si-zhong;YAN A-qi;LIU Yu-bo
A local entropy based algorithm for detecting IR target under sea background
AI Shu-fang;ZHANG Guo-hua;LV Gao-jie
Detection performance analysis of optic-electric detecting target board
LI Han-shan;GAO Jun-chai;LEI Zhi-yong;WANG Ze-min
Establishing target recognition template in SAR images based on electromagnetic characteristics
ZHOU Wen-ming;SONG Jian-she;ZHENG Yong-an;XU Jun
Influence of communication system's anti-interference capability on commanding efficiency
SUN Ju-wei;REN Zhong;WANG Yi-feng
A flight trajectory control system designed for UAV in autonomous low-altitude penetration
QIN Shuo;SUN Xiu-xia;LIU Yan-fang;YU Xiu-duan
A method for technology evaluation and selection of aircraft survivability design
LI Shou-an;SONG Bi-feng;LI Dong-xia;WANG Qing-feng
3-D localization algorithm of multiple targets using step-frequency signal
FANG Bing-yi;WEI Guo-hua;WU Si-liang
An algorithm for multi-sensor registration and target tracking based on UKF
LIAO Hai-jun;WANG Wei-xing
Target tracking in low measurement data rate conditions
ZHANG Chang-fang;YANG Hong-wen;HU Wei-dong;YU Wen-xian
On ballistic parameter identification method based on ant colony algorithm
DU Chang-ping;SUN Hua-dong;ZHOU De-yun;SONG Bi-feng
A track association algorithm based on wavelet transform
SUN Wei;BAI Jian-lin;LV Hui
Real-time curve drawing of serial data based on C++Builder6.0
WANG Shu;LIN Hui;ZHANG Hai-tao
On video image interpretation system of infrared theodolite
ZHAO Yun-feng;MENG Qing-li;YUAN Shui-ping
Design and realization of APT system for the space movement platform
CAO Yang;AI Yong;YE De-mao;CHEN Jing
Progresses in organic electroluminescent displays
YANG Ding-yu;JIANG Meng-heng;YANG Jun
On operational application of TV-guided air-to-ground missiles
WU Wen-chao;DU Hai-wen;HAN Tong;WANG Hao
Pill track recognition based on artificial intervention and machine vision
ZHANG Wu;HE Cong-zhong;FANG Zhong-jiang;LIU Xiao-song
Image fusion based on nonsubsampled contourlet
ZHANG Xiong-mei;LI Jun-shan;YI Zhao-xiang;ZHANG Tie-jun