Multiple physical exercises improving the physical and mental health of PLA medical staffs in Chinese Ebola Treatment Unit in Liberia
XI Hui-jun;CHU Dan-feng;CHEN Jue;XIE Ming-hui;HU Ping;CAO Jie;The Second Medical Team of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army to Liberia;Department of Nursing;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Department of Neurosurgery;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Department of Out-patient;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Interventional Division;Department of Imaging Diagnosis;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Department of Respiratory Medicine;No.324 Hospital of PLA;Department of Urology;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;
Transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy:a single center report of 3256 cases
FANG Liang;XU Wei-ming;CHEN Guang-hua;SHI Min-feng;ZHOU Tie;Department of Radiology;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Department of Urology;People’s Hospital of Haining;Department of Urology;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;Infertility Center;Changhai Hospital;Second Military Medical University;