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Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
2010 Issue 3
Copenhagen Summit and Developments in Sino-US Carbon Diplomacy
YU Hongyuan;Associate Research Professor;Institute for Global Governance Studies;Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
From Southeast Asia to Africa:the Political Economy of Japan’s Foreign Aid
ZHOU Yuyuan;Associate Research Professor;Institute of African Studies;Zhejiang Normal University
An Analysis of Japan’s ODA to Mongolia
Wulan Tuya;Associate Research Professor;Institute of Northeast Asia;Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences
cong gui fan jin hua dao gui fan tui hua
liu si si
bian zhe de hua
The Fundamental Logics and Changes to US’ China Strategy since the Cold War: Commentary on Obama Administration’s China Policy
PAN Yaling; Assistant to Dean and Lecturer; Center for American Studies; Institute of International Studies; Fudan University
From Stakeholding to Strategic Reassurance:Sino-US Relations in the Climate of Declining Hegemony
LIANG Yabin;PhD Candidate;School of International Relations;Peking University
Structural Power Transition in the Post-US Era and Regime Reform:Reforming the G8 and its Theoretical Implications
WANG Jinqiang;PhD Candidate;School of International Relations and Public Affairs;Fudan University
A Research on US Congress Members’ Taiwan Visits(1997-2008)
ZHANG Guang;Professor;School of Public Affairs;Xiamen University;DIAO Daming;Post-doctorate;Center for US-China Relations;Tsinghua University;YUAN Ting;PhD Candidate;both of Zhou Enlai School of Government;Nankai University
The Impact of US-China Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) on China’s Economy:an Analysis of the US 2004 Model BIT
TIAN Feng;Senior Fellow;Institute of World Economics and Politics;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences