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Journal of Ballistics
2013 Issue 3
Study on Multi-phase Combustion Based on High Resolution Approximate Riemann Solver in Guns
CHENG Cheng;ZHANG Xiao-bing;Mahmoud M.Rashad;Hazem Elsadek;School of Energy and Power Engineering;NUST;
Ricochet Angle of a Shaped Charge Jet
LI Ru-jiang;LIN Zhao-dong;FANG Zhi-jian;LIU Tian-sheng;Department of Safety Engineering;North University of China;Science and Technology on Materials in Impact Environment Laboratory;
Dynamic Characteristics of Hypersonic Integrative Vehicle With Internal and External Flow
LIU Xu;ZHAO Yun-fei;WANG Dong-fang;LIU Wei;College of Aerospace and Material Engineering;NUDT;
An Improved Adaptive Sliding-mode Navigation Guidance Law With Variable Structure
GAO Feng;TANG Sheng-jing;SHI Jiao;GUO Jie;Key Laboratory of Dynamics and Control of Flight Vehicle of Ministry of Education;School of Aerospace Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology;
Theoretical Study of Influence of Jet Flow on Propagation of Detonation Wave
BAI Qiao-dong;WENG Chun-sheng;National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics;NUST;
Analysis on Effect of Constraints on Rifle Recoil
WANG Chang-geng;XU Wan-he;XU Cheng;School of Mechanical Engineering;NUST;
Differential Game Guidance-law Based on Markov Jump System
CAI Wen-xin;FANG Yang-wang;WU Yan-rui;DING Wei;WU You-li;Unit 94982of PLA;College of Engineering;Air Force Engineering University;College of Electronic Information;Shanxi University of Technology;
Numerical Simulation of Thick-cover-plate Explosive-box Initiated by EFP
GU Wen-bin;LI Xu-feng;LI Yu-chun;XU Hao-ming;LU ming;College of Field Engineering;PLA Univ.of Sci.& Tech.;Unit 73049 of PLA;
Expected Generalization Attack Area of Air-to-air Missile Based on Chance-constrained Programming
LI Bo;GAO Xiao-guang;School of Electronic and Information;Northwestern Polytechnical University;
A Method of Controlling Multiple-missiles Combating Cooperatively Based on Fictitious Guidance Dot
WANG Xiao-fang;ZHENG Yi-yu;School of Aerospace Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Finite-element Model Updating for Barrel Structure of a Certain Type Infantry Combat Vehicle Double-gun
SU Zhong-ting;XU Da;ZHAO Fu-quan;ZHANG Chun-lin;Department of Arms Engineering;Armored Force Engineering Academy;Military Representatives Office in Beijing;Beijing Military Representative Bureau;
Experiment Study on Circumferential Distribution Characteristics in Spray Field of Impinging Jet Injector
ZHAO Na;YU Yong-gang;LU Xin;LI Shan-de;School of Energy and Power Engineering;NUST;Wenchang Launch Testing Station;Xichang Satellite Launch Center;
Injury Model and Assessment for Human Thorax Under Blast Wave
ZHOU Jie;TAO Gang;School of Energy and Power Engineering;NUST;
Experimental Studies of Interrupted Burning Characteristics and Deconsolidation Performance of Consolidated Propellant Charge
XIAO Zheng-gang;YING San-jiu;XU Fu-ming;School of Chemical Engineering;NUST;
Trajectory Planning With Determinate Impact Angle and Time Constraints Based on Pseudospectral Method
ZHANG Li-min;SUN Ming-wei;CHEN Zeng-qiang;ZHANG Xing-hui;College of Computer and Control Engineering;Nankai University;Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technical College;
Theoretical Study on Interior Ballistics of High Velocity Gun Based on Liquid Traveling Charge
ZOU Hua;LU Xin;ZHOU Yan-huang;School of Energy and Power Engineering;School of Science;NUST;
Modeling and Simulation of Anti-torpedo Torpedo Intercepting Trajectory Based on Variable Structure Control
ZHANG Xi-yong;LI Zong-ji;WANG Shu-zong;Department of Weaponary Engineering;Navy University of Engineering;
Adaptive Parameter Regularization Model for Guidance Instrumental Error Separation and its Application
WANG Wen-jun;DUAN Xiao-jun;ZHU Ju-bo;College of Science;National University of Defense Technology;
Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Non-equilibrium Flows Using Kinetic Scheme
ZHUO Chang-fei;WU Xiao-song;FENG Feng;School of Mechanical Engineering;NUST;
Armor Penetration Capability of Penetrator With an Extended Tube-Rod
DONG Yu-cai;DU Zhong-hua;LIU Rong-zhong;LIU Jie;School of Mechanical Engineering;NUST;
Evaluation Method of Shooting Accuracy Rate and Reliability Based on Cloud Model
DU Ye-hong;YU Hao;LI Guo-fu;ZHAO Jing;School of Mechatronic Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Ordnance Test Center;