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Forum on Contemporary Education
2012 Issue 4
Re-explore on the Informatization and the Basis of the legality of the Moral Education
Bi Hongmei;Wen Zhengbao;Hu Min
The Analysis of learing Adapatability Proble and Objective Adjustment of the Xinjiang Minority Students Class
Xie PeiMing;Wang XiFan;Paltiel,the KeZi·manasseh
An Analysis of Interpersonal Conflicts and Adjustment between Teachers
Hao Zhaohui;Dong Zefang
A Survey and Thought on the Motivation of Compulsory Education Teachers' Flow
Fang Fang;Chen Niuze;Liu Dan
Analyze the Significance of Phenomenological Theory to Educators
Kang Mingming;Ma Zhiguo
wei shi me jiao yu jia duo chu zai zhong xiao xue
zhang chu ting
tou gao xu zhi
On the Implication and Realization of Teaching Freedom
Li Li;Luo Zubing