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Journal of Liaodong University(Natural Sciences)
2005 Issue 1
zhong han liang guo gao deng jiao yu xue sheng guan li mo shi bi jiao fen xi
han bing wen ; wang hai yan
Building the Student Model in the ITS
Talks on Aerobics Developing Trend
XU Hong-xia
Use Double Integral to Deal with Definite Integral Problem
ZANG Xiu-juan
The Improvement of Microclimate in City Residential Quarters
YU Jun-rong
How to Prevent the Trojan Horse through the Port
LONG Hai-yan
mas chong tu guan li mo xing
xiu shi jun
The Research of The Problem about Mobile IP Smooth Handoff
JIANG Chun-xia
The Application of Conditional Probability in Communication
LI Hai-cheng
Use Linux Firewall to Protect Campus Net
The Description of Roadway Charge System
ZHANG Xiao-hong
Cd、 Pb Measuring in Mactra Veneriformis Reeve by Graphite Furnace Methoel
WU Yao-qing;GONG Sheng-chen;SONG Lin
Testing the Stability of Zincgluconate by DSC Method
YU Ying
Synthesis of Starch Graft Polymer High Water Absorbent Resin
LIU Bo;LIU Jun-long
Impact and Countermeasure of Silk-Screen Printing on SMT Quality
The Use of RS485 in the Measurement System
LIU Ying
A Temperature Control System Based on Voice
SUN Shi-jun;WU Xiu-juan