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Journal of Colorectal & Anal Surgery
2013 Issue 3
TST and PPH in Severe Hemorrhoidal Disease:A prospective Randomized Clinical Trial
Yu Zhitao;Wen shengrong;Wang Yuehui;Meizhou People’s Hospital;
jie zhi chang ai wei xian yin su de liu xing bing xue yan jiu jin zhan
zhao bo ; zhong hua ge ; wu wei ; tang wei zhong ;
Clinical Observation of Skin flap advanced and semi-drainage by medicated thread in the treatment of anal fistula
Ma Qingfeng;Wa Dan;Chen Qinghuai;Department of Anorectal;Dongguan People’s Hospital;
xin shu zheng ding qi shi
Expression of livin and Survivin protein in Low and Middle Rectal Cancer and its clinical significance
LI Chensheng;Huo Bin;Sui Yulong;Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery;Provincial Hospital;Shandong University;
Detection of colorectal stromal tumor c-kit gene mutation
Li Jiehua;Lu Yunfei;Zhang Hai tian;
zhi chang nei gua xian shu zhi liao gu pen zhi chang jian xi nong zhong lin chuang liao xiao guan cha
chen qin ; li hua shan ; wang xiao feng ;
jie zhi chang ai shai cha de yan jiu xian zhuang
you yong ; zong hai feng ;
Experience of laparoscopic and colonoscopic cooperative surgery in treatment of benign and maliganant colorectal tumours:a report of 48 cases
Ye Junwen;Wang Hui;Tan Shuyun;Department of Colorectal Surgery;theSixth Affiliated Hospital;Sun Yat-sen University;
Application of Loop Excision of Hemorrhoid Mucosa in Treatment of Patients with Severe Internal Hemorrhoid
Zhou Shouzhi;Department of Anus and Intestine Surgery;Yongchuang Hospital Affiliated Chongqing Medical University;
Clinical Study of Inferior Incision Combined with Loose thread-drawing operation in the treatment of high anal fistula
Luo Zhiyuan;Gong Jianming;Fan Jianming;Taicang Municlpal Hospital of TCM;
fu qiang e xing zhong liu de zhong zhi zhuan yi
zhang xiao long ; gao feng ;
lin chuang lu jing jiao xue fa zai jie zhi chang wai ke hu li jiao xue zhong de ying yong
ma hui ; yang lian zhao ; wei rui li ; zhou jun ; dong xue yun ;
zhong shi gang zhou qian zai jie po ping mian zai gang men zhi chang shou shu zhong de ying yong
he zong zuo ; wang xiao peng ; yang bai lin ;
pph jia wai zhi qie bao shu zhi liao ji xing qian dun huan zhuang hun he zhi 46 li lin chuang guan cha
chen sheng wei ; wang quan lin ; yang guang zuo ;
xin li gan yu hu li dui gang chang shou shu huan zhe jiao lv qing kuang he man yi du de ying xiang
wang li xiang ; tu chao mei ; chen hui ;
Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Risk of Colorectal Cancer:A META-ANALYSIS
Cao Yuhua;Feng Guosheng;Chen Kehe;
Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Efficacy of the RPH for Combined Hemorrhoid
Zhou Liqing;Lu Dan;Siping Centre People Hospital;
Comparative study of head hung inside the anal canal Joint anal fistula surgery or anal fistula exclusion to treatment of high anal fistula
Ju Dachuang;Zhao Jin;Zhang Lei;Department of Anorectal;Shenzhen First People’s Hospital;
xun zheng hu li zai yu fang hun he zhi shu hou gang men teng tong gang yuan shui zhong zhong de ying yong
he qin ; wang chuan ying ; zheng shuang ; wang li ;
pph jia pi zhui qie chu shu yu wai bao nei zha shu zhi liao huan zhuang hun he zhi de bi jiao
xu zhao jie ; deng ye wei ; hu fang kuan ; wang hua sheng ; zhang sheng wei ;
pen qiang jian zhi liu 1 li
song xian qing ; zhang sen ;
Clinical analysis of treating Acute Incarcerated Hemorrhoids by combining One Stage PPH
Wang Chuansi;Xie Yixiang;Zheng Xuehai;Department of Anorectal surgery;The Affiliated Lu’an Hospital of Anhui Medical University;