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Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)
2015 Issue 3
Physiological Mechanisms of Delaying Leaf Senescence in Maize Treated with Compound Mixtures of DCPTA and CCC
Wang Yong-chao;Gu Wan-rong;Ye Le-fu;Sun Yang;Li Li-jie;Zhang He;Li Jing;Wei Shi;College of Agriculture;Northeast Agricultural University;The Observation Experiment Station of Ministry of Agriculture for Crop Cultivation Science in Northeast Area;
Genetic Differentiation Analyses Based on mtDNA COⅡ Gene Sequences Among Different Geographic Populations of Aphis glycines(Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Northeast China
Li Ran;Han Lan-lan;Ye Le-fu;Zhang Hong-yu;Sun Wen-peng;Tong Xin;Zhao Kui-jun;College of Agriculture;Northeast Agricultural University;
Effect of Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens on Growth of Greenhouse Tomato and Rhizosphere Microbial Community
Ge Xiao-ying;He Chun-e;Li Tao;Ouyang Zhu;Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Induced Polyploidy as a Tool for Increasing Tea(Camellia sinensis L.) Production
Hasnain Alam;Muhammad Razaq;Salahuddin;Department of Biotechnology;International Islamic University;Department of Silviculture;Northeast Forestry University;
Predatory Efficacy of Cotton Inhabiting Spiders on Bemisiatabaci, Amrascadevastans Thripstabaci and Helicoverpa armigera in Laboratory Conditions
Mohsin S B;Li Yi-jing;Tang Li-jie;Maqsood I;Ting Ma-sun;Han Le-meng;Khalil U R;Andleeb S;Muhammad S K;Saleem M A;College of Veterinary Medicine;Northeast Agricultural University;College of Environment Resources;Northeast Agricultural University;Department of Zoology Wildlife and Fishery;Government College University Faisalabad;
Contents of Trace Metal Elements in Cow Milk Impacted by Different Feedstuffs
Song Ren-ju;Tong Hui-li;Huang Jian-guo;Gao Xue-jun;Key Laboratory of Dairy Science of Education Ministry;Northeast Agricultural University;
Preparation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells and Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Induced with Retinoic Acid and Ascorbic Acid
Zhao Xun-wu;Zheng Peng;Huang Zhi-jun;Zeng Yue;Adegoke E O;Zhang Gui-xue;College of Animal Sciences and Technology;Northeast Agricultural University;
Acceptability of Bush Meat as a Source of Animal Protein in Delta State, Nigeria: Implication for Extension Services
Ebewore S O;Ovharhe O J;Emaziye P O;Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension;Delta State University;Asaba Campus;
Chinese Comprehensive Rural Reform: Institutional Vicissitude, Theoretic Framework and Content Structure
Zhou Li;College of Economics and Management;Zhaoqing University;
Design of Non-contact On-load Automatic Regulating Voltage Transformer
Zhao Qi;Substation Maintenance Room State Grid Harbin Power Supply Company;