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Hydropower Automation and Dam Monitoring
2012 Issue 6
Correction Method for Different Attenuation in a Fiber-optic Distributed Temperature Sensor System
LIU Yanping;YE Zongshun;HUA Tao;LUO Xiaobing;LIU Guo
Model for Strain Monitoring Data of Concrete Dams During Construction Period
WU Xianwei;ZHOU Yihong;HUANG Yaoying;ZHOU Shaowu;LI Jinhe;CHEN Wenfu
Dam Seepage Treatment in Liujiaxia Hydropower Station
YI Xuelin
Cause Analysis of Consistently Increasing Bypass Seepage in Left Bank of Yanguoxia Hydropower Station
ZHAO Jiming;CHA Jiangyu;ZHAO Hui;ZHANG Hongping
Design and Realization for Reform of Hydrologic Remote Measurement System in Zhelin Hydropower Plant
YAO Feng;SHU Kai;QI Yongtao;YIN Qi;BAI Langtao