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Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
2016 Issue 5
Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Improved Patchmatch and Slice Sampling Particle Belief Propagation
LI Jing-jiao;MA Li;WANG Ai-xia;MA Shuai;School of Information Science & Engineering;Northeastern University;School of Information;Liaoning University;
Real-Time Tracking and Registration Algorithm of Scenarios of Augmented Reality Based on Improved Random Fern
ZHAO Yue;LI Jing-jiao;LI Hai-peng;YANG Dan;School of Information Science & Engineering;Northeastern University;
Bilinear Map-based Public Verifiable Outsourced Computation Scheme
LI Fu-xiang;HUO Jian-qiu;LIN Mu-qing;ZHOU Fu-cai;School of Computer Science & Engineering;Northeastern University;School of Softw are;Northeastern University;
Multi-core Parallel Substring Matching Algorithm Using BWT
WANG Jia-ying;WANG Bin;LI Xiao-hua;YANG Xiao-chun;School of Computer Science & Engineering;Northeastern University;
Popularity-Optimal Path Search Based on Time Constraint
BAO Jin-ling;WANG Bin;LIU Gang;YANG Xiao-chun;School of Computer Science & Engineering;Northeastern University;School of Computer Science;Baicheng Normal College;
EEG Classification Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine
LIU Chong;YU Qing-wen;LU Zhi-guo;WANG Hong;School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation;Northeastern University;
Flow Stress Modeling in Low Carbon Titanium-Vanadium Microalloyed Steel
SHEN Ji-cheng;JIA Tao;LIU Zhen-yu;State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation;Northeastern University;
Modeling the Effect of Nb on Austenite → Ferrite Phase Transformation Kinetics
LIU Xue-feng;JIA Tao;ZHU Ben-qiang;State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation;Northeastern University;The Centre for Metallurgical Process Engineering;The University of British Columbia;
Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Simulation of Slip System Evolution in Pure Copper Foil Rolling
CHEN Shou-dong;LIU Xiang-hua;LIU Li-zhong;SUN Xiang-kun;State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation;Northeastern University;School of Materials Science & Engineering;Northeastern University;
Effects of Rotor Rotation Speed and Gas Flow Rate on the Degassing Efficiency of 2524 Aluminum Alloy in Rotary Degassing Process
ZUO Yu-bo;LIN Yue;KANG Yi-yao;CUI Jian-zhong;Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials;Ministry of Education;Northeastern University;
Research and Application of Burden Charging Model for Large Blast Furnace
LI Zhuang-nian;LIU Zheng-gen;CHU Man-sheng;CHEN Shu-wen;School of Metallurgy;Northeastern University;Ironmaking Plant;Shanxi Taigang Stainless Iron Shares Co.;Ltd.;
Numerical Simulation Research on Heat Transfer in Particle Flow Round Tubes
YU Qing-bo;PENG Jia-yan;REN Hui-lai;LIU Jun-xiang;School of Metallurgy;Northeastern University;
Thermodynamics Analysis of Slag Deoxidization with Different Deoxidizers During Electroslag Remelting Process
HOU Dong;JIANG Zhou-hua;DONG Yan-wu;ZHOU Wei-ji;School of Metallurgy;Northeastern University;Dalian Special Steel Co.;Ltd.;
Static Friction Coefficient Fractal Model of Joint Surfaces with Elastic-Plastic Beformation Considered
LI Xiao-peng;WANG Xue;YUN Hai-meng;AN Lian-chui;School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation;Northeastern University;
Milling Force Coefficient Identification of Ball-End Milling Based on Instantaneous Milling Forces
LI Bai-chun;WANG Zhen-yu;WANG Guo-xun;WANG Wan-shan;School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation;Northeastern University;School of Mechanical Engineering;Shenyang Ligong University;
Intelligent Multi-pipes Layout for Aero-Engine Based on CAFSC Algorithm
ZHANG Yu;BAI Xiao-lan;School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation;Northeastern University;School of Mechanical Engineering;Shenyang Univesity of Chemical Technology;
Resistance Switching of NiO-TiO2 Nano-Composite Thin Films
LI Jian-chang;LI Run-xia;ZHENG Chen-ping;School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation;Northeastern University;
Numerical Study of Jet Impingement Cooling Process
WANG Yu-yan;WANG Peng;BAI Mi-li;HU Cheng-zhi;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;Traffic& Transportation School;Dalian Jiaotong University;School of Civil Engineering;Dalian University of Technology;
Scheduling Method for Multi-cluster Tools with Diverse Wafer Flow Patterns
ZHOU Bing-hai;LI Ming;School of Mechanical Engineering;Tongji University;
Simulation of Emission Limits for Paper-Making Industry Based on Petri Net and BAT
JIANG Qiu-li;WANG Peng-fei;HAN Tian-fang;HU Xiao-min;School of Resources & Civil Engineering;Northeastern University;Environment Monitoring Test Center in Liaoning Province;
Isolation and Identification of an Efficient BioflocculantProducing Strain
LIU Jin-liang;JIANG Bin-hui;ZHAO Xin;HU Xiao-min;School of Resources & Civil Engineering;Northeastern University;
Ball-Milling Micro-dissociation of Ironsand and Magnetic Force at Fine Level
WANG Zhen-yang;ZHANG Jian-liang;LIU Zheng-jian;ZHANG Lu-ming;School of Metallurgical & Ecological Engineering;University of Science & Technology Beijing;Tangshan Guofeng Iron & Steel Co.;Ltd.;
Effects of Coal Types on the Separation of Iron and Titanium in Titanomagnetite by Direct Reduction-Magnetic Separation
GAO En-xia;SUN Ti-chang;YU Chun-xiao;LIU Zhi-guo;School of Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Safe Roof Blasting Thickness of VCR Stope Under Complex Boundary Condition
WANG Wei;LUO Zhou-quan;QI Fei-xiang;CAO Sheng-xiang;School of Resources and Safety Engineering;Central South University;Fankou Lead-Zinc Mine;
Thermal Hazard Evaluation of Cyclohexanone Peroxide in Storage and Transport
WEI Tong-tong;QIAN Xin-ming;YUAN Meng-qi;State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology;Beijing Institute of Technology;Department of Fire Protection Engineering;Chinese People’s Armed Police Force Academy;
Models of Hyperelasticity with Softening and Simulation of Strain Localization for Brittle Granular Materials
CHU Xi-hua;XIU Chen-xi;CHANG Jiang-fang;School of Civil Engineering;Wuhan University;
Centrifuge Model Test on the Seismic Response of Colluvial Landslide
TU Jie-wen;LIU Hong-shuai;TANG Ai-ping;ZHENG Tong;School of Civil Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;National Earthquake Infrastructure Service;Institute of Engineering Mechanics;China Earthquake Administration;
Reinforcement Stability of Highway’s Resumption Embankment Geogrid
CHU Fu-jiao;LIU Dun-wen;HOU Zhi-yong;YANG Wei;School of Resources and Safty Engineering;Central South University;
Analysis of the Jump Dynamics of Stock Market Based on the Mixed GARCH Model
GONG Xiao-li;ZHUANG Xin-tian;ZHANG Wei-ping;School of Business Administration;Northeastern University;
Analysis of Formation of Social Endowment Insurance Based on the Multi-agent Model
ZHAO Na;CHEN Kai;School of Business Administration;Northeastern University;
Emergency Resources Demand Forecast Based on FCMand CBR-GRA Dual Search
DUAN Zai-peng;QIAN Xin-ming;XIA Deng-you;DUO Ying-quan;State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology;Beijing Institute of Technology;College of Environment and Resources;Fuzhou University;Department of Fire Command;Chinese People’s Armed Police Force Academy;China Academy of Safety Science and Technology;