Fabrication of Nb3Al Superconductor by Mechanical Alloying
QI Ming;PAN Xi-feng;ZHANG Ping-xiang;YAN Guo;School of Materials & Metallurgy;Northeastern University;National Engineering Laboratory for Superconducting Materials;Western Superconducting Technologies Co.;Ltd.;Superconducting Materials Research Lab;Northw est Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research;
Influences of EMBr on Flow and Heat Transfer in CSP Mold
ZHANG Xiao-feng;ZHANG Lu-sha;WANG Bao;LIU Qing;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy;University of Science and Technology Beijing;School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;
Combined Model in Supply Chain with Capacity Constraint
WANG Hai-ying;DING Hua;ZHANG Cui-hua;WANG Lin;School of Business Administration;Northeastern University;School of Economics and Management;Shenyang University of Chemical Technology;College of Social Sciences;Incheon National University;