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Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
2006 Issue 1
On China's Propagation Mechanism of Monetary Policy
ZENG Hua;ZHAO Shuang
Scrap Resources for the USA, Japan and China:an Analysis Based on Scrap Index
LI Kai;ZENG Xian-zhang;HAN Shuang
Management Based on Four-dimension Loyalty and Its Application
KANG Jin-jiang;LI Chun;LIU Jin-jun
A Human Resources Management Model Based on Competency
ZHANG Lan-xia;MIN Lin-lin;FANG Yong-rui
Analysis of Formation and Development of Cultural Industry
LI Dong;LOU Cheng-wu
On the Subjects of Technological Innovation in Ancient China
ZHENG Mei-zhen;LI Zhao-you
How Technology Decides the Essence of Humankind
LIU Da-chun
Beijing Consensus VS Washington Consensus
L(U) Nai-ji
Comment on Wilson's Idealism
JIANG Xiu-min
Deconstruction of the Bone-image: a Thematic Approach to Fae Myenne Ng's Bone
WAGN Jian-ping;JIN Shuo-feng