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Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
2015 Issue 8
Thematic Data fo Buildings Extar ction Using Python in the Census of Nation al Geographic Co nditoi ns
QIN Si-xian;,FU Xiao-jun;,YU Yong-sheng;,LI Tian;,ZHONG Qing;
Study Experimental Teaching Method of GIS
WANG Xiao-dong;,ZHANG Gang;
A Building Points Cloud Detection Method Based on Multiple Features
ZHANG Hong-wei;,ZHANG Bao-ming;,GUO Hai-tao;,LU Jun;
The Status, Issue and Suggestions about the Marine Survye ing and Mapping Work in China
LIU Li;,NING Zhen-ya;,SUN Wei;,MA Meng-meng;,GUI De-zhu;,CAO Hui-chao;
Design of the Experiment Porj ect for Urban Drainage System Overflow Simulation
XUE Feng-chang;,HUANG Min-min;,SHENG Jie-ru;
Study of Mobile GIS Application in the Census of Guangzhou City Cultural Heritage
GUO Liang;,LI Jue;,LIANG Zhi-hao;,HU Yao-feng;,LIAO Jun;
Reconstruction of Forest Vertical Profile Based on Polarization Coherence Tomography
CAO Xian-ge;,YANG Jin-ling;,LIU Jiang;,MENG Xiang-lai;
Analysis on the Influence of the Large Data to Surveying and Mapping Support
ZHANG Wei;,LI Hai-gang;,YUE Yao;,LI Feng;
A Method for Determining the Monitoring Period of the Slope of an Open Pit Iron Mine
XU Mao-lin;,GAO Yan-dong;,YANG Feng-yun;,ZHANG He;,JIA Guo-hui;
Research on Remote Sensing Teaching Mode Reform of Local College
DU Fu-guang;,LIU Xiao-chun;,GAO Chao;
Design an d Realization of Suifenh e Resource Publishing Platform Based on TIANDITU
LI De-jiang;,MA Tong-yu;,CHU Ding;
A Method Adopting RANSAC Algorithm for Regularization of Matching Point Cloud
GOU Hui-jie;,WANG Shu-gen;,WANG Zhi-ye;,SUN Ming-wei;
The Application of Correlation-SVM on the Dam Deformation Forecast
ZHU Tao;,LIU Mu-xi;
Application Skills of Geographical Science Major Based on GIS Opening Laboratory
REN Jin-tong;,ZHANG Peng-fei;,ZUO Tai-an;
Research on the Orthophoto Dodging Uniform Color Strategy in Mountain Area
GUI Lin;,WEN Ping;,WU Xiao-dong;
Comparison of LTS Estimation and Least Absolute Deviation in Regression
WANG Feng-wei;,ZHOU Shi-jian;,ZHOU Qing;
Survey on Location-Based Services
ZHOU Yuan;,LIN Fu-ming;,ZHANG Qing-quan;
A Research Review of Map CacheT echnology Based on Web
ZHANG Jin-wen;,ZHOU Yan-bing;,LIU Xiao-sheng;
Evaluation on Construction Land Intensive Utilization in Zhaodong City
GUAN Guo-feng;,MA Long-quan;,TANG Yong-ling;
Application of Least Squares Collocation Model in GPS Height Fitting
LIU Yu-chan;,WANG Yan-xia;,LI Peng;
Overview of Large-Scale Dynamic Measurement Metrology
PAN Ting-yao;,FAN Bai-xing;,YI Wang-min;,YANG Zai-hua;,XI Qin;,XIAO Hua-jie;
Study on the Temporal and Spatial Changes of Snow of Heilongjiang Province Based on RS and GIS
GAO Yu-hong;,CHENG Yuan;,WANG Wen-ling;,WANG Xiu-juan;
Error Analysis of DOM Producing Based on the UAV Data
Discusis on a Few Tips on Teaching Measure Adjuts ment Calculating
ZHAO Ya-hong;,ZHOU Wen-guo;,NIU Qin-tao;
The Method and Development for Compilation of 1∶1 000 000 Topographic Database
LIN Zhan-yun;,ZHANG Bo-han;,ZHONG Zi-ming;
Calculate the Affected Area of Traffic Incident Base on Non-Parametric Regression
RONG Fu-xiang;,QI Yue-rong;,CAI Lin-lin;
The UAV Aerial Photographic Measurement System in the Rural Land Rights Application
WANG Yan;,KONG Xiang-zhong;,JIA Shi-zhen;,LIU Hui;
Experimental Analysis of 4 Kinds of Re mote Sensing Image Mosaic Method for UAV
WANG Huan;,JIANG Xian-lan;
Research of Building Database of Basic Geographic Information Data
ZHANG Lin-man;
The Distribution Characteristics and Spatial Distribution Optimizing of the Welfare Lottery PO S in Lanzhou
TUO Li-na;,DONG Bei-ping;,LV Jiang-bo;,YAO Xiao-jun;,LIU Wen-bin;
The "One Town One Village One Map"Construction Based on Orthophoto Bata
HUANG Zheng-liang;,LI Jian-bin;,ZHONG Hui-run;
Research on the Integration of 1∶10 000 DEM Data in Guangdong Province Based on ArcGIS
HUANG Guo-sen;,CHEN Cui-chan;
Dongying City Land Suitability Evaluation Research Based on GIS Technology
YI Lan;,ZHAO Xian-zhong;,YU Shui;
The Research on Producing DSM, DEM with Multi-Angular Satellite Image
CHEN Qing-hua;,CHEN Xiao-yi;
Thoughts on Geographical Conditions Monitoring
LIU Jiao;,CHENG Xiao-yong;,GE Chao;
Adaptive Extraction of Cross Section Based on ObjectARX
LIU Zhong;,HU Ping-bo;
GF-1 Satellite for Remote Sensing Image Fusion and Quality Assessment Methods
WANG Xiao-mian;,JIANG Yun;
The Design and Map Making of Hillshade Based on Global Mapper
ZHENG Hong-bin;,HONG Qian-qian;,LIN Zhan-yun;
The Key Technology and Realization of the Mapping System of the Geographical Situation of the Geographical Survey
OU Er-ge li;,LIU Hui;,ZHANG Chao-kun;,YU Xiao-jing;
Quality Control of Jilin Province Census Geographic Conditions of Produ cts
ZHANG Yu-li;,DUAN Dong-ling;,QIAN Feng;
Image Management of Provincial "One Map"Based on Mosaic Dataset
YU Jian;,CHENG Juan-juan;
Application Research to Updating and Changing Detection of Geographic Conditions Survey
ZHENG Chun-yu;,GUO Zheng-ping;,ZHU Xiao-dong;
The Third Class Leveling to Ignore the Leveling Staff Correct Footage
LI Yu-xin;,XIU Hong-yu;
Excel is Appil ed in the Laying out of Curves with the Coordinates Method
WANG Zheng;,YANG Bo;,LI Yi-long;
The Processing Method about Topographic Map Projection Distortion of Liangjiang New Area Eastern Region
XIAO Xing-guo;,GUO Cai-li;,LI Chao;
Discussion on the Application of Technology of Large Area of Modern Cadastral Surveying Datum
XIAO Feng;,ZHANG Liu-min;,LI Cun-wen;,LV Bao-qi;
Comparative Precisoi n Analysis of Two Automatic Aerial Triangulation Softwares
WEI Ling-hui;,LUO Hui;
The Application of VB6.0 in the Process of Underground Pipelin e Data
ZHANG Yu-fang;