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Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
2013 Issue 8
Remote Sensing Image Matching MethodB ased on Harris and SURF
SHI Shan-qiu
The Digital Aerial Triangulation Production of WorldView Images with Scarce Control Points
LIU Jie;WANG Long-qiang;WANG Jiang-tao
Research on Web Service and Data Sharing of Geographic Information
DONG Ming-qing
Study on Standardization Work of Military Weather Information
YANG Jing-fei;ZHANG Yan-jun;CHEN Wei-wei
Function of Surveying and Mapping in Land Consolidation
HUANG Yang;REN Xiang-hong;QIU Sheng-quan
Reform and Application of Teaching Pra ctice of Surveying
DU Zi-tao;YANG Xiao-ming;YAN Shu-qiang;WANG De-jun;REN Hai-feng
Study on the Personnel Training Model of Small Experiment Multi-Directional:Taking the GIS Major as an Example
ZHANG Xiao-dong;HAN Li-qin;WANG Li-jun;WANG Zhi-hong
Investigation of Teaching Reform for Photogrammetric Course in the Agricultural Colleges
WANG Chang-wei;HU Yue-ming;YANG Yong-zhong;LIU Ji-hong
Method of Use 3DMAX Produced Scenes of Urban Surface
YU Ying;ZHANG Qing-quan
Discussiono n Applicatoin of GIS in Surveying and Mapping
CHEN A-rong;CAI Hong-xia;YU Feng-wei
Research and Application of Spatial Data Sharing and E xchange Based on Front-End System
YI Shu-xian;YU Ying-gang;LI Yong
Design and Implementation of Geological Information Management System Based on B/S
LI Xiang-yang;WU Cong-cong;LU Xiao-ping;LI Cheng;PANG Xing-chen
Research in Modeling of 3D Mine Entities
GENG Li-yan;JIN Yu-ling;LI Xiang-li;MA Xue-qin
Progress and Prospects of 3S Technology Application to Apple Orchard Informatization
ZHANG Guang-bo;LI Xi-can;CHENG Shu-han
Cadastral Survey Application in the Management of Urban Land
LIU Yong-xiang
Discussion on State-Owned Land Cadastral Survey Work Flow
Discussing the Vertical Space Discipline of Urban Noise Based on GIS
FAN Feng-lei;LIN Wen-feng
On the Supervision Mechanism in Shenzhen City Map Revision Application
DAI Sui-chuan
Research of Matching Method about Aerial Images of Surveying Based on Manifold Learning
FU Dong-xia;ZHAO Huai;LI Ai-xia
Discussion on Key Technologies of Continuous Operating Reference System
WANG Yan;YANG Shao-yu;LIU Hong-rui
Analytical Aerial Triangulation Research on Extraction of Ground Control Points Based on LiDAR
HOU Jia-huai;XU Miao;ZHANG Zhi-qiang
Study on Updating 1∶10000 DLG in Shandong Province:A Case of Study of Yantai Development Zone
ZHANG Yun-tao;SHANG Jian-wei;ZHANG Jin-ying
Study on DEM Resolution Based on Selection Indicators of Geomorphological Structure
LIU Shao-yi;DU Xiu-zhong;DENG Wei-dong;ZHANG Wei-zhu
The Research on Accuracy Evaluation Method of the Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Data
Construction Subsidence Monitoring Methods and Problem Analysis
SUN Shi-xin;XU Cai-yun
Architecture Design of HJ-1 Satellite Business Operational Management Platform
CHU Dong;SUN Zhong-ping;SHEN Wen-ming;WANG Bo
The Drawing of Contour Lines in Large Scale Digital Mapping
ZHANG Qi-yuan;ZHENG Yong-hu
Research on Development of WebGIS Based on AJAXand Google Maps API
TANG Gui-wen;TAN Yan-tao
Design and Implementation of Location Based Services Platform Based on "TIANDITU"
ZHANG Qing-quan;LIN Fu-ming;ZHOU Yuan
Integrity Monitoring of Satellite Systems Based on Multi-Mode GNSS Receiver
SUN Mao-jun;ZHANG Hong-wen;XIA Jing-chao
Application of GM(1 .1) Forecast in the Deformation of Building
LI Nian-qi;ZHANG Jun-zhong
Study and Design of Digti al City Geographica l Spatial Framework
LI Xue-jun;LI Jiu-gang
Research of Qingdao Fundamental Geographic Database Construction
ZHAO Yun-hua;LIU Jia-sheng;QIAO Xin
The Application ofA nt Colony Algorithm in GIS
OU Chun-jiang
Research on Mapping Elements′Symbolization Based on CorelDRAW
QIAO Jun-jun;FANG Xue-ling;ZHANG Hai-wen
Discussion on Building and Testing of Image Database Managing System
WEI Wei;FU Hao;ZHANG Jun-tao
Linear Feature Faceting Algorithms in GIS Applications
ZHAO Sheng-liang;LI Zhi-fu;ZHANG Xiao-hong
Noise Analysis to GPS Coordinates Monitoring Series Attending to Correlation between the Signals
YUAN Bao;YUE Dong-jie;XU Ying;LI Cheng-ren;XU Yi
The Research on Mine Geological Environment Inve stigation Based on ZY-3'Da ta
LIU Dan-dan;LIU Jiang;YU Fan
Teaching Reform of GIS Experiment Course for Non-GIS Majors
WANG Shi-jie
Study on the Change of Jintan of Northern Bay Based on Remote Sensing Image
WANG Zeng-jun;ZENG Li-hong;WEI Jiang-ling
Research of Optimal Route Anla ysis for Fire Rescue
DING Xiao-chun
Campus Sightseeing Car Op timal PathP lanningA lgorithm:Taking Shago uan University as an Example
CHEN Shi-fa;CHEN Min-xuan;ZHU Ye-chen;SUN Yu-zhu
Discussion on Basic Elements of National Geographic Condition Survey