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Contemporary Cinema
2001 Issue 4
chen ying xiong ; huang fu yi chuan
Cyclo:Rebuilding A World with Love and Pain Interlaced
wang fang hua
A River without Name
huang fu yi chuan
Selected Film Reviews from the 8th BFFUS
zhang yan ; wang zhuo ming ; ding yi zuo ; zhang jiang yi ; chen nian qun
The University Students and the Chinese Cinema-A Survey Report on the 8th BFFUS
tan zheng ; zhang yan ; yuan hong bo ; guan ying chun ; mao zuo ; chen nian qun
A Summary of the 8th Beijing Film Festival of University Students
zhang jiang yi ; qiu yan
Ideas of Film Narration
liu hong qiu
Film Narration and Innovation
pan xiu tong
Wei Lian′s Flimography
Wei Lian′s Art of Directing
tuo la ke
An Interview with the Director Wei Lian
zhang dong
Mao Ze-Dong and Snow:Approaching the Two Personalities
zhang dong
Mao Ze-Dong and Snow:Characters in the History
peng jia zuo
Mao Ze-Dong in 1925:Its Uniqueness and Innovation
huang hui lin
Communist Images on the New China′s Silverscreen
ren yin
Reminiscence of the Chinese Film Events
wang sui han