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Group Technology & Production Modernization
2001 Issue 2
Coordinate Measuring Machines
li jing
The Design and Application of Apparatus for Fabricating Oval Hand Hole Cover
xiao yu huan ; cheng jun hong
EIastodynamic Analysis and Optimizing of the TPM Master-manipulator
ning ; wang hong wei
Design of Assembly Sequence on Welding Structures Based on CAD/CAAP Integration
huang yan qun ; xu yan shen
Probing on the Internet-based Knowledge Base of the Enterprise Engineering(IBKBEE)
li rong bin ; gu xin jian ; yang zhi xiong
Economic Evaluation of Group jigs Technology′s Application
sun jin xing ; jiang ming he
Strategies for Maximizing Seller's Profit under B-C Circumstance
li chun qing ; wang long wei ; wang kan liang
Programming Discussion of Selecting Type & Caculation of Plate Condensor
wei wen jian ; wang jun ; zheng hui fan