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Grassland and Turf
2009 Issue 3
Effect of management practices on restoration of degraded turf
YAN Xiao-li;ZHOU Zhi-qiong;BAO Wei-kai
Antifreeze gene and its application in gene engineering
HAO Feng;LIU Xiao-jing;ZHOU Ai-qin;YU Tie-feng
Carbon sequestration in urban turfgrass ecosystem
LI Xi-bo;YANG Yus-heng;ZENG Hong-da;XIE Jin-sheng;ZU Ning
yi zhong ju ping yong jia zhi de zhi wu - xiao ying yang mao
huang mei fen ; zhong sheng ; xue shi ming
qing hai sheng ze ku xian cao di sheng tai huan jing xian zhuang ji bao hu jian she cuo shi
ma qing shan ; ma zheng bing ; zhang fang ; su cheng wen
Effect of acidity and Fe stress on the activity of H+-ATPase in plasma membrane of alfalfa roots
GUO Qi-mei;SUN Ji-xiong;AN-Yuan;LIU Jian-feng
Impact of saline-alkali stress on seedling growth of Puccinellia tenuiflora cv. Tongde
LU Su-jin;ZHOU Qing-ping;YAN Hong-bo
Study on leaf dissection structure and drought resistance of four shrubs growing in desert steppe in Tsaidam
LI Lin-zhi;SHAO Lin-hui;YU Ying-wen;CHEN Jian-gang;ZHANG De-gang
Study on the identification procedure for alfalfa stem growth habit type
LI Jin-hua;SHI Shang-li;WANG Chun-mei;CHEN Ji-shan;LU Xin-shi;WANG tie-mei
Impact of turf beds with different soil texture on the soil physical properties and quality of Bermuda turf
HUANG Xiao-lu;Yu Yu-hong;WANG Liang;YANG Zhi-min
Survey on the pollution in surface water of alpine grassland in Bayinbuluke
Study on spatial-temporal changes of soil bulk density and soil porosity of alpine meadow in Tianzhu
LU Yuan;ZHANG Wan-xiang;SUN Rong-jiang;CHANG Gen-zhu
Establishment of shrubby vegetation on cutting rock slop of expressway
ZHU Da-long;DING Ying;TIAN Jian-hua
Study on establishment technology of Cynodon dactylon cv. Xinnong No.2
LI Pei-ying;SUN Zong-jiu;Abulaiti
Adaptability evaluation of three serradella cultivars in northern subtropical areas
YUAN Fu-jin;YU Mei;HUANG Bi-zhi;WU Wen-rong