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Vehicle Engine
2016 Issue 4
Evaluation Method of Crankshaft Fatigue Strength for High Power Multi-cylinder Diesel Engine
LU Yaohui;ZHANG Xing;XIANG Penglin;LI Tingting;School of Mechanical Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;
Dynamic Mesh Model Applied to ICE Transient Simulation
SUN Huawen;YANG Lihong;MING Pingjian;ZHANG Wenping;National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin;Patent Examination Cooperation Tianjin Center of The Patent Office;College of Power and Energy Engineering;Harbin Engineering University;
Analysis of Transient Behavior and Development of Test Cycle for Off-Road Diesel Engine
JI Shude;ZHANG Wei;WU Xuhong;HAO Jiyan;YAN Ruiqi;WANG Lianqun;TANG Zhi;GAO Haitao;HUANG Xu;ZHAO Lingling;China North Engine Research Institute;Hebei Huabei Diesel Engine Ltd.;
Effects of EGR on Ultrafine Particulate Emission of Light-duty Diesel Engine
LOU Diming;XU Ning;TAN Piqiang;HU Zhiyuan;School of Automotive Studies;Tongji University;
Vehicle Interior High Frequency Noise under Engine Acoustic Excitation
DU Aimin;SHAO Changhui;SHAO Jianwang;WEI Na;School of Automotive Studies;Tongji University;SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co.;
Effect of Electric-controlled Air Supplement Strategy on Smoke of Turbocharged Diesel Engine during Accelerating Process
HUO Yuqiang;ZHOU Bin;ZHANG Zhao;YANG Jie;LI Wenxiu;QU Lei;QIU Wei;School of mechanical engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Sichuan TOP IT Vocational Institute;
Influence of Miller Cycle on Partial Load of Turbocharged Gasoline Engine
LIU Ran;GUO Fan;WU Haifu;YAN Shuanghe;YANG Jinpeng;Technical Center;Great Wall Motor Co.;Ltd.;Hebei AutomobileEngineering Technology & Research Center;
Development and Experimental Study on Control Strategy of 48V BSG Hybrid System
LIU Jujiang;HE Yu;LIAN Xuetong;Guang Zhou Automobile Group Automotive Engineering Institute;
Influence of Driving Parameters on GDI Piezoelectric Injector
ZHANG Meijuan;JU Yusheng;SONG Ruizhi;WANG Dan;WANG Zhong;Wxit Institute of Technology;FAW Wuxi Fuel Injection Equipment Research Institute;Jiangsu University;
Flow Characteristic Analysis of Swirling Burner for Injection Combustion-supporting Regeneration of DPF
FU Jun;LI Jianxing;TANG Yuan;KANG Wenjie;ZHANG Zengfeng;LI Yu;Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering;Shaoyang University;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body;Hunan University;
Experimental Study on Filtration and Regeneration Performance of DOC+CDPF System for Diesel Engine
ZHANG Jing;MENG Zhongwei;LIU Miao;CHEN Qiuyu;ZHANG Chuan;Vehicle Measurement;Control and Safety Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province;School of Automotive and Transportation of Xihua University;Sichuan Collaborative Innovation Center for Automotive Key Components;
Experimental Research on Size Distribution of Spray Droplet for Diesel Blended with DME
LI Genbao;LI Hongbo;GAO Bo;School of Automotive;Chang’an Univercity;
Influence of Elastic Ring Damper on Power Performance of Turbocharger Rotor
HE Hong;WANG Shihu;WANG Lianqun;JI Jianbo;ZHAO Lingling;Science and Technology on Diesel Engine Turbocharging Laboratory;Xi’an Jiaotong University;Hebei Huabei Diesel Engine Ltd.;China North Engine Research Institute;
Turbocharging Matching and Performance Parameter Optimization of Vehicle Natural Gas Engine
LIU Ting;HAN Zhiyu;HUANG Yongcheng;WU Deyu;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacture for Vehicle Body;Hunan University;Huai’an Industrial Technology Research Institute;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Xi’an Jiaotong University;
Effects of Natural Antioxidants on Biodiesel Combustion Characteristics
WANG Zhong;FENG Yuan;QU Lei;ZHANG Meijuan;WU Jing;Wuxi Institute of Technology;School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering;Jiangsu University;
Application of Time Domain Integral Method in Vibration Analysis
XU Zishun;ZHANG Qiang;School of Energy and Power Engineering;Shandong University;