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Journal of Chuxiong Normal University
2002 Issue 5
The family of the cognate word "Mianxuan"
wang qi ming ; zeng min
On the interpretation of "Ayi" (aunt) in Pipa Xing
li quan hua
Colorful scene sarcasm- On Ya Xian's poem Rats in the Boat
zhou deng yu
A brief discussion of the dress culture of the Yi people
zhang xiu fen ; zhang de yuan
On the age of the rock paintings in Cangyuan, Yunnan
yang bao kang
The Yi people's sports dances and the rice culture
wang jian zhong
On the cluster advantages in the market competition
liang jin song
Monck -- Expressionism painter
chen lan
On the decoding of deviant rhetoric
cai xiao li
On Ci in the Song Dynasty (1)
zheng de kai
A prince in action-On the character of Hamlet
chen yong xiang ; wu yong she
Researches into the life awareness in the "Wenqi" theory
ma jian rong