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Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
2010 Issue z1
"Digital Ningbo" Geospatial Framework Construction
Gu KaiJian
Precast Pile Static Load High Strain Comparative Study
Chen Chong;Song JinHu
Edge Detection on Hyperspectral Imagery Via Manifold Techniques
Liu XingBo;Wu XiaoJun;Zhou Yuan
The Convention Method of AutoCAD Data to ArcSDE
Ju JianRong;Wu XiaoJun;Zhang FengMei
Probe Into the Some Question abour Discovery of the Pile Low Deeects
Li Peng;Shao WanQiang
Exploreing 3D City Models of CityGML
Liu CuiMing
Discussion of Mapping Based on LIDAR
Zhou Qing;Li NengGuo
The Design and Implementation of Urban Old and Famous Trees Management Information System
Wu XIaoJun;Liu XingBo;Fan JuanJuan
Study on Basket Handle Arch Bridge Dynamic Realization of the Dome and the Tilt of the Lofting Method
Wang Xu;Zhang WeiBing;Song MingYin
Research on Transformation Method From Electronic Approval Data to GIS Data
Li Hao;Guo MengChi;Li JinLing
GPS Elevation on the Application of Linear Fitting
Lu Li;Chen Bin
Using Satellite Image to Drawing up Urban Image Atlas
Dong RunHua
Overall Design And Compilation of The Atlas of Guangzhou Asian Games
He HuaGui;Liu Yang
A Method of Leveling top Height of a Building(or Structure)
Chen Xiong;Li HongLi
Measurement of Vertical-Type Pipe Installation On
Pei DeFu;Xu Bo
Design and Implementation of Precise Controlled Network about the First Stage of No.4 Wuhan Urban Rail Transit
Guo QiYou;Xiao JianPing;An YongQiang;Luo Xiong
New Design for Nanjing City Map with Details
Chen RongShan;Wang Min
xin xi dong tai
The Design and Implementation of Digital Surveying and Mapping Archives Display System Based on Flex
Zhou Xi;Ju JianRong;Wu XiaoJun;Liu GuangXia
Study on Urban Green Coverage Investigation with Multisource Spatial Data
Zuo DuMei;Han WengQuan;Chen Xin;Zhang FengMei
The Applicaption of AutoCAD Map 3D in Urban Cadastral Database Establishment
Lv BaoQi;Wang RuiFang;Fang LeDao
Qinhuangdao Quasi-geoid Refinement Analysis
Li Hui;Wang HongFeng
Research on the Management System of Idle Land Based on DOM、DEM
Xu Wei;Jiang FuGang;Zhao JiangChong
The Research of the Method of Establishing the Database of Urban Cadastral
An JianYing;Bao AnXing
Design and Practise City Parts Information Gathering of Danyang
Dong RunHua;Bao QiSheng;Wu Bin;Ma LiPing
The Data Quality Analysis and Assessment Methods of The Second Land Survey
Yang JiMing;Quan JinYi
Research on Bearing Characteristics of PHC Pipe Pile in one Reclamation Soft Soil Zone in Qingdao
Xiang Ming;Wu ShaoFang;Pan Jia;Wang DianBin