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Urban Planning Forum
2001 Issue 4
The Cities and the Urban Competitiveness
yu tao fang ; gu chao lin ; tu ying shi
Preliminary Research of Logistics Center Planning & Construction
zhao lei ; lin bing yao
Planning for Urban Construction in the Near Future
chen xiao hui ; wu zuo
The Evolution Relationship between the Road Traffic Planning and Urban Form
yang dong yuan ; han zuo
Applications of Fractal Theory to Urban Studies
ye jun ; chen bing zuo
On Guangzhou CBD in the 21st Century
yuan qi feng
The Land Use Constitution and Control of Urban Square
zuo zheng ; zhang jun min ; cui dong xu
Modern Landscape Urban Space--Urban design of the circular water system in Guilin
zhao wan liang ; gu li
Urban Planning under the Market Economy
zhang wu bin
New Ideas on Urban Planning in the Thinking Way Respect
nian fu hua ; yao shi mou