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Urban Public Transport
2003 Issue 2
An Analysis for Higher Bus Operation Speed with Measurements
wang tie cheng ; chen shan liang
Public Transport Operation Scale Analysis with Game Theory
li jing ; fan bing quan
Accelerate reforming process to conform to the new circumstances after entry into WTO
zhu zhi xun ; zuo tong yin
Brief discussion about economizing on gasoline
xue li fang
Development of new-type electric buses
li ying
Rail transport construction in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone
zhou guan cheng ; cai bo
Research on the framework of urban transit intelligent management system
liu chuang ; han yin
The Comparison of the Public Transportation IC card system between Seoul and China
guo xiu zhi ; yang xin miao ; lu hua pu
Establish service brand to improve corporate image
gao hai jiang
Clever way of regulating the meshing seams of conic gears
pan ji sheng
Rational match among starter, storage battery and generator on buses
hu chang qiong ; pang yuan zhi
Topic on putting electronic documents on file
tan yao jia
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