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Journal of Changsha University
2007 Issue 2
Virtual Instrument Technology and Its Application in Experimental Teching
GONG Ping;QI Xuemei
A Discussion about Multimedia Chemistry Teaching
HE Lan
Aspects to Teaching and Reforming of the Graduated Practice for University
LI Guofeng;LI Yunlong;ZHANG Zhigang;LI Ningxiang
Word Clustering Based on the Context Co-Occurrence
ZHOU Xinyuan;DU Jie;HE Qiang
Research and Implementation of Based on XPDL of Business Process Definition Tool
song rong hua ; chen xiang ; xiao jie ; tan qing ping
Study on Thin-Client Data Access Mode Based on J2EE Structure
WANG Jiangtao;FU Xichu;XIAO Jie
Effect of Ekonol on the Mechanical Properties of Ekonol/POM Composite
WU Yin;CHEN Shuguang;CHEN Jianbing;HUA Manyu;LONG Chunguang
Research and Maintenance in VPLS Net Rings' Obstacles
HUANG Wei;HE Yigang
On Decision of the Optimal Solution to Linear Programming
FAN Guobing;LUO Taiyuan
Completeness of Quasi-Orlic Sequence Spaces
XIAO Yingxiong;SHEN Zongshan
A Comprehensive Study of SRS Optical Power Equalization
MEI Xiaoan;TAO Jiayou;YUAN Shuai;LUO Zibo
The Design of Signal Display Instrument for Mine Hoister Based on CPLD Chip
wang xin hui ; liu hui
Discussion on the Connotation of the PE Course Cost
ZHOU Yinghua;ZHANG Zhirong
Olympic Gamesics and Mankind Civilization Progress
LIU Zhihong
Developing the Research of Diploma Project with the Network Laboratory Resources
QU Zhao;DENG Juqi;YIN Kesheng;LIU Wenyan
Research of Automatic Transformation from Program Block Diagram to Resource Code
YIN Feng;JIN Xijuan;NI Wenyin;HUANG Jianqi
Construction and Identification of Libraries Enriched for Genomic(AC)n-microsatellites in Siniperca chuatsi
kuang gang qiao ; liu zhen ; lu shuang qing ; xiao diao yi ; liu hong yu ; liu feng
Isolation of Genomic DNA from the Chinese Madarine Fish,Siniperca Chautsi and Optimication of Pcr-sscp reaction
liu feng ; lu shuang qing ; xie xin min ; liu zhen ; kuang gang qiao
Helicase-dependent Isotherrmal DNA Amplification Technology's Principles,Appllications and Prospects
LIU Xun;CHENG Tianyin;CHANG Xiaobin;WANG Xiaojun