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Urban Vehicles
2007 Issue 9
Development of diesel cars in China
luo wei huan ; xiong rui
Fee to tax for the fuel tax, where are the challenges?
lei hong jun
Futian EuroV redefines the luxury coach
wang en liang
Anyuan Bus travels with Paralympics
li xian hui
Xiamen Jinlong puts innovation at the first place
gao zong li
Integrated vehicle AC system
qiao jun feng ; wu ji hong ; kong xiang jie ; li heng
Thoughts on the motorcycle emission to meet national Ⅲ standards
zhang lei ; shi zhong jiu
Study on the vehicle simulation plant
xu tie juan ; zhao han ; zhang bing li
How far are Chinese buses from German quality?
yang guang
Integrated module for bus interior roof
zhou hao jun
On the interior design of buses(Ⅱ)
chen wei kang
Sales analysis for major bus manufacturing enterprises
ren shi fa
First BRT from Zhongtong "Urban Mobile" off the line
guo yu hang