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Urban Vehicles
2002 Issue 1
New Year's Message
li shi hao
Mercedes-Benz New Cars
New Truck: MAN's TG-A
bai long
New Concept in Present Vehicle Leasing
wei qing
Issues in the Development of Urban Gas Vehicles
guo jie ; liu zhan fang
“WTO Entry” Expedites Chinese Bus Manufacturing
li shi hao
Technological Development of Urban Buses
luo zhi zhong
A Initial Research on Bus' Floor Cover
gong jiang
Pickup:First Choice of Urban “Freight Taxi”
guo yao dong
New Look of Chinese Pickups
shang yu gui
King of World's Heavy Duty Vehicles:SCANIA
long xiang
A Complete Transportation Solution:VOLVO FL
bai long
Astra Heavy Vehicles
yu xun
Luxury Flushing-free Onboard Toilette
wang chang gu ; gan lin
A New Ground Tramcar: STREAM
jin zheng biao
Breakthrough in Diesel Locomotive
yang fang
Issues about Turbo Effect in Cylinders
tang chuan ping
Urban Bus' Driving Skills for Gasoline-Saving
li chun cheng
Electric Vehicle with Super Capacitor
wang jia shan ; wang hai jie
zheng ce fa gui