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Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Science Edition)
2007 Issue 5
Performance analysis of LDPC on Nakagami-m channels
ZHAO Chuan-gang;LIN Xue-hong
Analysis and study of channel estimation on performance effect of linear zero forcing receiver
SHEN Bi-chuan;SHEN Min;ZHENG Jian-hong
Frequency estimation method based on orthogonal training sequences for MIMO-OFDM systems
LUO Dan;KUANG Yu-jun;LIU Yan;LONG Ke-ping
Comparative analysis of CI/MC-CDMA and single carrier systems
LONG Can;KUANG Yu-jun;HUANG Jing-sen;RAO Zhi-hua;LIU Yan
Application research on cooperative communication for TD-SCDMA downlink
WANG Yuan;XIE Xian-zhong;YANG Jun-min
Active window detection algorithm in TD-SCDMA system
LI Ding-zhi;LI Gui-yong
Study of simulation method for Rice fading channels
DU Wei;SONG Qi-jun;XIAO Kai-ning;ZHANG Hong-shun
Influence of channel estimation on performance of Rx oriented transmission
YANG Tao;XIE Xian-zhong
Narrow-band interference suppression in high-frequency spread spectrum system under extremely low SNR
LIU Ying-ting;ZHU Xiao-ming;LIU Quan-yang;QIU Wei-feng
A stable Ad Hoc routing protocol based on node degree
TIAN Min;LIU Zhan-jun;LI Yun;CHEN-Qian-bin
Application of RVM in SoC verification and coverage-driven technology
Study on transmission properties of dispersion management soliton groups
WANG Zhong-qing;WAN Peng;AN Guang-lei
An improved differential feed-forward frequency estimator
Analysis of end-to-end quality of service mechanism and architecture in IMS
WEI Shi-hong;WAN Xiao-yu
Research on algorithm of GPS attitude determination in dam
TAN Ying;TIAN Zeng-shan;CHEN Xin
Fusing heterogeneous event logs into scenarios for forensics
CHEN Long;ZHOU Jian;WANG Guo-yin
Research of multi-class Bayesian algorithm based on one-class SVM probability density estimation
YIN Zhen-dong;WU Zhi-lu;REN Guang-hui;ZHANG Zhong-zhao
Research of dynamic self-adapted PF based on delay
JIANG Gui-quan;WANG Guo-feng;YANG Ling
An overview on dynamic research of robotic fish
ZHANG Yi;YANG Rui-min;WANG Zhou;LIU Huan;ZHOU Guang
MCU-based electronic ballast for automotive high intensity discharge lamp
SHUAI Xin;DONG Hui-ning;LI Qiu-jun;ZENG Jia-qian
Authenticated encryption scheme based on self-certified of public key from bilinear pairings
QIU Cheng-gang;LI Fang-wei;TAN Li-ping
Cluster-head selection enhancing algorithm based on energy for wireless sensor networks
ZHANG Yi;LI Yun;LIU Zhan-jun;NIE Neng
A cross-layer adaptive congestion control algorithm in wireless sensor network
WEI Zheng;LI Yun;LIU Zhan-jun;YANG Xiao-long
A low-delay MAC protocol based on cross-layer optimization for wireless sensor networks
WANG Luo;LI Yun;LIU Zhan-jun;ZHAO Wei-liang
A new virtual machine for single process: SPVM
XIE Lei;WANG Lin-lin;LIU Yan-bing
Design and implementation of switch universal control module based on plug-in technology
FAN Hui;DU Jiang;TANG Yi-yuan
Dynamical intrusion detection response model based on artificial immune system
WU Si-yuan;LIU Sun-jun;WANG Dian-gang
Modified minimum interference routing algorithm based on traffic engineering
LU Jian-xin;SHEN Yuan-long
Research on controllability for fractional order linear time-invariant systems
YU Feng-min;YU Nan-xiang;WANG Ji-feng