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Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology(Natural Sciences Edition)
2001 Issue 4
Liquefied Natural Gas Auto - fuel System and Its Technological Analysis
LIN Zai-li;ZHANG Xiao-bo
An Experimental Study on Reservoir Protection Properties of Polyalcohols
wang chang jun ; yue qian sheng ; xiao wen fa ; xiang xing jin
The Design of Oil Extracting Poles at the Point of Weariness
fu ya rong ; pu xiang jin ; wang zhong jun ; peng hao
On the Analytical System of Air Pocket Trends
yi jun ; xu chun bi ; zhang qi min ; tang hong jun ; shi yong xin ; wang nan wei ; jiang chang chun
A Discussion on How to Direct College Students in Job Hunting
WANG Jing;WAN Lian-ming
Paying Attention to Daily Education, Improving Education Effect
zhang li ; ye huai ping ; wu pei
Analysis on the Types of Listening in English Tests and on Students' Answer Sheets
huang yu lan ; liu yin qi ; chen gang
Deepen the Reform in Practice, Strengthen the Students'Adaptability to the Society
yang hua sheng ; huang yun fei
adobe ren zheng kao shi jian jie
he shu shan ; feng xia
"shi wu " guo jia ke ji ji hua jian jie
zheng gao qi shi