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Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University(West Forum)
2000 Issue 4
The Defects of Market Economy and Government Interference
he er wei ci
The Obstacles to the Legislation of BOT in Our Country
zhang xiao jun
Analysis of Earnings Ability of the Listed Company
liu shu rong
Thoughts of High-Liability in State-Owned Enterprises
xu ke ying
The Variation of Quality Guarantee Standard--the analysis about ISO 9000:2000
zhang wei ; wang tian ; ma yu lin
On the Service Fee Charged by Medium Agencies
li heng guang
Enterprises' Preparation on China's Entrance into WTO
yang shi hui
Preventing Five Ideas to Realize Western Development
li zhi xian ; zuo hong ying
Some Ideas on the Economy Development in Southwest Area
zhan pei min