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Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
2016 Issue 5
Study on the Value of Inscription Writers of Bai Heliang in Huaji
ZENG Chao;Journal of Yangtze Normal University;
lu zu liang jiao shou jian jie
Investigation and Discussion the Custom of Taqi in the Three Gorges region Based on the Chorography of Bayu
XIONG Maosong;Chongqing Three Gorges University;
A Study on the Chang-ji of Wan County in Qing Dynasty
HE Rengang;College of Humanities and Communications;Shanghai Normal Univercity;
On Left-Wing Dramas Between 1930 to 1937(Ⅰ)
CHEN Hongqi;Chinese Literature and Language department;Jiaying University;
Live in Scenery Seclusion: The Research on Xuxu’s Creation Mentality
CHENG Guangtong;ZHAO Xianhua;College of Liberal Arts;Liaoning Normal University;
On the Similarity of Aesthetic Writing Between Su Tong and Tanizaki Junichirou
CHEN Jianyu;Chongqing Normal University;
Evaluation of County Economic Competitiveness Based on PCA Method: A Case Study of 28 Counties in 4 Cities of Southern Sichuan Basin
TANG Binjie;LIN Xiancheng;Faculty of Geography and Resources Sciences;Sichuan Normal University;
An Empirical Study on the Operating Efficiency of China’s Listed Commercial Banks: Based on the DEA Method
WANG Zeqian;LUO Zhifang;Chongqing Technology And Business University;
The Phonetic Survey on the Latest Edition of Xinhua Dictionary and Modern Chinese Dictionary
CHEN Huibing;YANG Chendi;ZHANG Yue;School of Literature;Chongqing Three Gorges College;
An Analysis of Network Language Violence among University Students in Guangxi
MAO Xiangying;College of Chinese Studies and Medias;Qinzhou University;
A Study of the Acquisition of Nominal Classifiers by Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language
LI Siyang;College of Foreign Languages and Cultures;Sichuan University;
The Analysis of Amir’s Growth Based on the Jung’s Archetype Theory
XU Yinxue;Chongqing University of Science and Technology;
Translator’s Subjectivity in China’ C-E Translation for Global Communication: A Case Study of Report on the Work of the Government in 2016
DU Lijuan;CHEN Wenliang;College of Information Engineering;Fuyang Teachers College;
The Ethnic Factors in the Project of the New Silk Road: A Case Study of Central Asia
YANG Yun’an;Minzu University of China;
On the Cultural Production, Power System and Resistance of the Mass in the Field of All-media
LI Xinchi;College of Chinese Language and Literature;Fujian Normal University;
The Association Studyof Xizhou State Pillar and the War of Xizhou State
LONG Shiping;School of Literature and Journalism;Jishou University;
A Comprehensive Review of Unearthed Documents and the Study of Qin Literature
YANG Yanjun;College of Arts;Minnan Normal University;
The Analysis of the Concept of Female in Traditional Family Education in Huizhou during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
SHI Kaiyu;Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine;
The Analysis of Administrative Law in No Motorcycle and Electric Vehicles
HU Liming;School of Law;Minzu University of China;
The Insufficient and Perfection of China’s Criminal Identification Program at the Perspective of Witness Psychology:Typed Deconstructions of Numbers of Psychological Experiments
HU Zhouyue;School of Criminal Investigation;Southwest University of Political Science and Law;
Exploration of “Flipped Classroom” Model of Translation Teaching Based on SPOC
XIE Ke;QIN Haijing;School of Foreign Languages;Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences;
On Compatibility beween Microlecture and Literature Basic Theory Course
ZHANG Qiankun;REN Xianda;Literature School;Science and Technology College of Hunan;