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Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University
2011 Issue 2
Numerical Analysis of Drained-undrained Triaxial Tests for Overconsolidated Clays
LIU Yang;GONG Zhi;HUANG Chang-fu
Analysis of Low-frequency Noise of Bridge Considering the Vibration of Bridge Deck
DING Yong;BU Zhan-yu;XIE Xu;LI Hui;HUANG Jian-yuan
Characteristics of Brittle Failure and Stress Drop Under Triaxial Loading and Unloading
HUANG Da;HUANG Run-qiu;ZHANG Yong-xing
Carbon Emission and Low-carbon Strategies of Sewage Sludge Treatment
LI Huan;JIN Yi-ying;LI Yang-yang
Physiological Experiment for Human Thermal Comfort of Air Flow in Summer
TAN Mei-lan;LI Bai-zhan;LI Wen-jie;LIU Hong;ZHENG Jie;XU Meng-nan
Time Effect Experimental Analysis of the Soil Arch Effect of Anti-sliding Pile
WANG Gui-lin;FAN You-quan;ZHANG Yong-xing;DONG Jie
Inhibiting Effect of Admixtures on TSA of Concrete
YANG Chang-hui;BAN Ke-cheng;LIU Ben-wan
Isolation Properties of Plane SH Wave by Double-row Rigid Pile Barriers
XIA Tang-dai;SUN Miao-miao;CHEN Chen;CHEN Wei-yun
Heat Transfer Performance of Capillary Mats Using Wet Construction in Winter
Average Temperature Distribution of the Ceiling Jet in Train Fires in Tunnels
MAO Jun;XI Yan-hong;FAN Hong-ming
A Calculation Methed for Failure Probability of Typical Element at Landslide Risk
WU Yue;LIU Dong-sheng;LU Xin;SONG Qiang-hui
Inelastic Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures Reinforced with HRB500 Steel Bars
WEI Feng;LIU Gang;WANG Xiao-feng;ZHU Ai-ping;FU Jian-ping
Rockfalls Movement mode and Movement Features by Field Tests
YE Si-qiao;CHEN Hong-kai;XU Jiang
Effectiveness of Energy use in Public Area of Buildings
DU Xiao-tong;LI Jing;WANG Cun-dong
Heat Transfer Characteristics of the Melting Process of the Metal Foam/Paraffin Compound Material
YU Hang;LIU Fang;MENG Er-lin;YAO Xin-ling
Shear Performance of Steel Plate with Trilateral Constrained
GUO Zhen;YUAN Ying-shu
Seepage Resistance and Moisture Proof of Concrete Using Electro-osmotic Pulse
WANG Chong;LIU Huan-qin;LIN Hong-bin;BAI Guang;YE Jian-xiong
Spatial Calculation Methods of Three Main Trusses Continuous Plate-truss Composite Bridge
CHEN Kong-liang;WANG Rong-hui;HUANG Yong-hui;CAI Lu-rong